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Rex Kramer

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  1. Drivers, almost invariably women, that swerve into the next lane to make wider turns, totally oblivious they’ve cut someone off.
  2. I told you to stop fucking posting, ever. You’re terrible. And you quoted just about the worst poster, one of the few I’ve got on ignore. You just made the list buddy.
  3. You mean like Beard has pretty much done outside of his title game appearance? That run was great and Tech should’ve won. I like Beard a lot aside from his bad women judgement. But Miller has four Elite 8s. He’s not chopped liver.
  4. Miller isn’t good enough for some of yall, and I just wanna point out he’ll have us in the tourney every year and will recruit well. He won’t just recruit decently and have a season of WTF moments like Shaka or Terry. He may have a first round or second round bounce here and there but the upgrade will be Beard-esque. Can we do better? CDC probably can, but I don’t know. I’m just looking at where we are particularly without Tre, and I know Miller is a massive improvement. I don’t know much about Miller aside from the headlines, but I know his history. He seems like a Sark-type hire but with more skins on the wall as a head collegiate coach. I’d be fine with him.
  5. Lighten up Francis. But, I meant exactly what I said. We are a wasteful country and it is bothersome to me. Issues like abortion, lgbtq, whatever - I’m extremely tired of politicians telling us what we can and cannot do. I fall left on basically all of that. I do not think our manner of defaulting to throw money at social problems is helpful at all. You seem to think my ideas are in conflict with one another, but they aren’t.
  6. You should start shocking her. Invite her to drag shows and shit.
  7. I’m conservative. Not really socially so. So a lot of what I post in CR may seem contrarian, but I’m not trying to be that way. I’ve never liked Trump and would admit if I’d been duped into voting for him. I haven’t and voting against him this time. Plus I suspect your feelings about me stem from Israel talk and I don’t think we will see eye to eye on that. I did not grow up the way you did, and some of what you post is hyperbolic to me, but I believe you. I see some of what you’re talking about, both religion and politics wise, but not in every day life. I certainly see it more when I go to midland. I’m the son of a banker. No silver spoon but certainly grew up privileged and I see no difference in the religious and political interactions in my life today than when I grew up.
  8. You’re a weird dude. Way off. A lot of truth to this, socially. A lot of people who either a) act too far above it to waste time with it, or b) mentally exhausted with it that discussing it socially is the last thing they want to do.
  9. No I just don’t run across people, particularly in a professional setting, who bait people like that. That’s what she was doing. My college buddy text group has a couple of guys who praise his every move. I openly question them when I get time, and the mental gymnastics they go through is amazing. It’s generally the 3 of us arguing, and the rest of the group is observing, probably with the same doubts and disbelief as I have. One of them has taken it offline with me and we’re stunned. He and I are the only admitted Harris voters.
  10. What the FUCK did I just watch
  11. There is no Biden economy. There’s just the economy. Trump is much more “proactive” but he’s exacerbating or hastening a recession that would’ve inevitably come. The Fed’s actions are much more important, tariff wars excluded. People are morons. The only reason to mention that as Biff framed was to show who you are in effort to get positive affirmation or engage in conflict. I don’t understand this notion. It is loud behavior.
  12. Who the fuck says that? I’m not doubting you. Well maybe a little. If I voted for him, it would’ve been a hold your nose kind of deal. Anyone saying that shit is looking for a reaction. I don’t get people who insist on pushing their politics onto others.
  13. I don’t know why you’re dying on this hill. You’re 100% wrong. Short term and long term are defined business terms. You’re a moron. Hasta luego.
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