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Rex Kramer

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  1. This is precisely correct. You might have been joking, but Trump wants Russian oil flowing, because without it, the impending supply crisis will be on his watch. All his bullshit rhetoric about VZ being a dictator and this being Ukraine’s fault is a thinly-veiled smokescreen that his base will lap up.
  2. Think I’ll pull the trigger tomorrow. I still think the quote will be higher from when it was sent to me about mid afternoon yesterday.
  3. What your mom charges for a blow job
  4. Umm, I’m hammering under and I’ll bet you thousands of dollars. Good fucking riddance to that cancer.
  5. I haven’t hedged. Was offered a collar from March thru November at $3.50-$5.96 midafternoon today and it’ll be better tomorrow.
  6. Figured you’d be Jerry Gallo. If Jerry Gallo surfaces, it may be me.
  7. Crazy story. Has yet to hit Dallas media. Why? Because this gal is a middle school Spanish teacher. That teaches (or rather taught) my son: ¡Ay Dios Mio!
  8. I don’t understand that graphic. I feel like @Drew. Help me. Gordo and the other two Musers were pretty critical of the special this morning.
  9. Vulnerable in 2025 in shoulder months. Might buy some puts from here on out.
  10. Harsh. But fair.
  11. Go fuck yourself.
  12. Should I hedge gas? Shoulder season will be upon us soon and I’d hate to retreat below $3 again without protection.
  13. It’s funny Incognito is viewing this as vindication. Martin may have been incapable of “hazing” and felt bullied at the time. He may not have felt bullied, realize he couldn’t hack it, and this was a manufactured, thinly-veiled shield against compensation clawback. It doesn’t matter. Responding in this manner just reminds the public of what a piece of shit Incognito is. I have no idea why Martin said what he said about no bullying, or why Incognito felt the need to respond so aggressively. They should have both said “no comment” when asked any questions about it.
  14. I don’t think I was wrong either. People see me as their punching bag and I picked the absolute wrong thread to argue my case. Carry on.
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