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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Meant to fix what? Any nonvotes were retribution without consideration of the alternative. I have a hard time understanding what this has to do with ICC’s toothless little meaningless announcement.
  2. FFS it was a joke. Lighten up Francis.
  3. Kim Jong Un, Khamenei, and Assad don’t ruffle the feathers of the ICC like Israel. Israel has been pretty much at war with ICC, which is a joke organization, for 10 years. That doesn’t help. We did the right thing by never ratifying the Rome Statute.
  4. Tell her Rex from the internet doesn’t want to know her personally. Tell her fat ass to keep clothes on, and to stop with the attention whoring posts on LinkedIn, Insta and wherever else that annoying wildebeest goes.
  5. Kim Jong Un’s haircut is a crime against humanity. That and he’s murdered threats to his position with anti-aircraft guns. ICC is a joke as are these arrest warrants.
  6. If there’s grass on the field, play ball.
  7. It’s a laughable issuance of arrest warrants.
  8. A pick that makes sense. Hope he doesn’t get Trump’ed like Tillerson. No CR.
  9. Yeah they are. It’s just very very interesting how we as a society are tolerating it at a much lower rate than a year ago. Or even 7-8 months ago.
  10. It’s getting largely negative reactions at schools across the country. Thankfully, this would be shut down at every school in Texas, and would be met with major student blowback at most schools.
  11. Congrats. I’m sorry that happened to you.
  12. Whether or not there is a deep pocketed puppet master or not is largely irrelevant. The actors involved actually believe in what they’re doing and believe it’s a noble effort. These people are both attention whores and very dumb. It defies logic administrations are allowing these vermin to block students from entering. Their presidents need to be fired (again) for not having campus police physically remove them. I’d support an unarmed Bear Jew bursting through their blockade, and if attacked, to initiate a beat down.
  13. You racist Mexicans. I don’t overcook anything. I am overcock’d though.
  14. I always thought ^this was in reference to this:
  15. Not everything is about tits and ass my dude.
  16. https://pittnc.mugshots.zone/mclawhorn-troy-danyelle-mugshot-12-30-2021/
  17. Fuck that. We made the CFP in spite of Maalik. Most cowboys play ever.
  18. I don’t. I don’t give a shit if they were Hamas supporters or not (btw, there’s no motive on the rioters. They captured 4 and are investigating). I said they should’ve been shot. Because they should’ve been shot.
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