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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Why do people act like this? Idiots like this guy are BEGGING for people like your wife to mouth off to them. They seek attention. How can she get drawn offsides by a fucking hat? Just ignore it. And the moment he grabbed her arm is the moment you kill. Wtf?
  2. All logical reasons. I just don’t know why they haven't because they can, and to show Hamas and Hezbollah they can wipe out all lesdership and find you anywhere in the world. Anywhere they go they’re in serious danger.
  3. Why hasn’t Israel hit them in Qatar?
  4. I don’t pay a great deal of attention to you. You seem to be misplacing your anger at the loss on him. He’s saying what most coaches would. There’s nothing to see here. But keep repeating your phrase hoping for a Craig James kinda deal - hilarious.
  5. If you were solely bitching about his antics on 10/19, I wouldn’t believe you, and you’d still be wrong.
  6. Doubt it. Here, sure. I will say a lot of Surly is anti-Georgia, which is odd to say the least, and anti-SEC, so jumping on its biggest dog is low hanging fruit.
  7. You keep saying that, hoping that the next time you say it will actually be funny, I guess. It was a bitchass thread when we lost and yet here you still are spearheading this effort.
  8. Uhhhhh, the kid was an idiot. Kirby’s a pretty damned good coach. This thread is pretty sour groups bullshit, and I’m certainly not gonna buy your Florida bullshit as it pertains to a Georgia coach.
  9. Weird thought. It’s all to maximize parking. Pretty well known.
  10. No doubt it’s gotta be HIS way. That is the key thing. He’ll never buckle to pressure about anything.
  11. He cares. He’s insanely thin-skinned. If he wasn’t he’d have ceded control to a football GM and have put up curtains. He desperately wants to be known as the football man that did it HIS way despite the critics. It matters more to him about any gate.
  12. Ticket guys do. But to answer @PittsburghTiger, yes, credentials would get revoked. DMN best writers have to tread carefully. And, it wouldn’t matter. Jerry would change nothing, and would have sellouts. Cowboys fans, true diehards, are absolute morons. They’re typically tatted up adults that wear jerseys. The pics in this thread are very representative of the season ticket holders. Jerry’s comments about the sun are so retarded. And yes, I’d be in total favor or imploding that abortion of a stadium. Everything about the Cowboys is so laughably bad. This season has been glorious.
  13. Nope. They struggled at home against Mich, and have played nobody other than that. They are probably ranked appropriately for now and that will seem way to high in hindsight after they play tOSU. It’s not.
  14. LSU is fucking awful. AWFUL. Suck that Tiger Dick bitch!
  15. Bobo has something to say about it too. So does their OL. Not all on Beck at all.
  16. Quinn was off. Our OL had their heads up their asses. Kirby totally out coached Swrk, who is fantastic. It wouldn’t happen again. We won’t play them again because they’ve blown it but I’d predict a 10-14 win. This ain’t UGA from the last 3 years. Something is seriously wrong with their O.
  17. This guy has made all the right moves, and probably never questioned going against his brother. One of these brothers turned out just fine.
  18. People who don’t regularly listen to The Ticket probably won’t understand how funny this is but it’s still a good listen: https://www.theunticket.com/nolan-ryan-talks-about-snow-monkeys/
  19. He’s now the EX Ambassador to the Snow Monkeys. The Snow Monkey People are gonna have to figure this shit out before they start doing figure 8s with Ruth again.
  20. Heard the same thing yesterday. She’s a freshman at UT, went to camp with my daughters, etc. Apparently Dad killed Mom after Mom said she was leaving him. Terrible for all their kids.
  21. I have several thoughts on your post but I’m first interested in why Iranian oil is cheap. I honestly do not know. I suspect it’s not because it’s a heavy grade, but rather because buyers of Iranian crude are doing so at a discount because they know Iran doesn’t have a great deal of options? I suspect their biggest buyer is China.
  22. I thought she was ok. But she seemingly was scared to be overexposed. That didn’t play well. I’m talking about the media and liberals belittling people on the right. It’s exceedingly pervasive.
  23. A variety of sources. None mainstream. I never watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC. Only “news” channel is constantly watching daytime CNBC. I voted for the Dem, for the first time in my life, this election. Because I can get past the evilness and buffoonery of him.
  24. No doubt. I think it was inflation 1, and you people are high horsing the whole country, 2. And it’s not merely coastal. It’s infected every communicative platform. Popular TV shows, late night shows, any socials, certainly Cloak Room. People get extremely fatigued with being high horsed in belittling fashion. Particularly when they’re getting wallet whipped.
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