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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Sidestep the content. You’ve been doing it all day.
  2. Huh. I never made a comment about settlers or Bibi. I certainly didn’t give them a pass. Never made a comment about all Israelis being great, innocent people. I said the X-factor is leadership savagery on the other side, from Hamas to Arafat and even long before him. Because it is. No amount of explaining what the other side did or does offsets this. It’s amazing anyone can dispute this.
  3. Hey a Frank Stallone reference. Shocker. People try and over complicate Israel. It’s not as complicated as it needs to be. The X factor is Palestinians always revert to having savages as leaders. There’ll never by any peace with that factor in place.
  4. The hate will exist from the Palestinians regardless. Israel absolutely must remain aggressive with rooting out Hamas. They must kill them all, or there is no chance at peace. I have a hard time believing this is disputed. I’d be a 2-state supporter if and only if they start acting like a nation with competent administration, policing their own extremists instead of placing them at the tip of the spear, etc. This is why it’ll take years and possibly a generation. Israel won’t permit the fucking UN to govern Jerusalem. They’re in control, and they’re not going backwards nor should they.
  5. Don’t know. It’s tragic what’s happening to innocent Palestinians. But I’m not in position to judge what Israel is doing. I do think there’s a serious element of anti-Israeli propaganda duping people and it’s pervasive on this entire board. In a perfect world Israel would: 1) move civilians to some controlled area, even within its own borders, that is heavily guarded / armed and allows humanitarian aid unfettered. Probably logistically impossible and prohibitively expensive but it has got to be better than the reported narrative. 2) proceed with rooting out all these people. Every Hamas member should die. If Fatah comes back in and pulls the same shit, they all need to die. They can handle Hezbollah within invading southern Lebanon given their activities are launched from another country. 3) Israel must stay very very involved and perhaps the world will perceive it to be oppressively so, in transferring autonomy onto the Palestinians like this’d be a multi-decade process. If this seems simplistic or impossible, it’s probably because it very much is so. I don’t know the answer, but it absolutely cannot revert to status quo with either any successive element of Hamas governing, and likely Fatah governing.
  6. They do? Even though one side has committed non-stop terrorism and atrocities against the other since ‘67 and really before that, regardless of who was in charge? It is really hard to free “Palestine” of interference when they’re constantly interfering via terror attacks. While I agree that anyone that engages is generally a clown, the protestors INITIATED the clown show. Just as Hamas initiated all of this shit. Showing videos on both sides doesn’t hurt my feelings; I just think you’re so desperate for actors that are bad on the Israeli side, or noble on the Palestinian side, that you totally ignore all of the above and are both sides-ing the fuck out of this, and aimlessly so. I don’t know about protests going on inside Israel. I suspect you’re latching on to anything that supports Israel ceasing its actions, and you’re totally misguided in the process.
  7. Hard no. Neither is Dumb Zone. Was very bored in that You Tube clip. SG.
  8. Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? This was originally the nationwide college campus protest thread, was it not? I don’t care you changed the title. That is 100% staged. I’m not gonna help you out if you're truly that dense.
  9. I’m mad. I need a therapist. For a message board. Common tactics. It’s so predictably pathetic I find it hilarious.
  10. I only watched the girl with Jew and Israel and Star of David on her shirt. That was the most staged thing I’ve ever seen. Didn’t watch the rest.
  11. Why would I care how this board is run? It’s not mine, it’s a fucking message board, and I think it’s run fine. I think there are far too many loon lefties here that grossly overestimate that their views are in the mainstream of the country, the state and even of UT alumni.
  12. I don’t have a problem with changing the thread title. I just think it’s funny you change it about right when you get called for posting videos not quite germaine to the original title. Believe me, please carry on what you’re doing.
  13. You think the message you and those you support are sending is merely one of anti-war. Bless your feeble mind.
  14. Bolverk with the thread title change to accommodate all his dipshit videos. Awesome.
  15. Well…..yeah. Are you disputing the authenticity of all, some or even one of the videos most here have commented on? Ostensibly because you don’t like the content, and how it makes your side look? Because that’s a take. Not your best effort.
  16. Alright? Yep. Only quibble I have with your post is that in no way was that mid Luka. That was the worst game I’ve ever seen him play. I agree with you. He needs to stop being such a whiny bitch and be a fucking man and play better. He’s showing us in real time he’s not the MVP. Not even close.
  17. This videos are likely staged. Regardless I’ve seen enough obnoxious and abhorrent behavior from the camp fucking bolverk so desperately wants to support that it doesn’t matter if all of them are 100% legitimate. All of these students can eat a bag of dicks. I hope I never interact with any of them ever.
  18. It never had any utility you cunts. You have no “movement”.
  19. I went on a fishing trip in the Queen Charlotte Islands, about halfway up coast of British Columbia and about 10 miles south of southern most island of Alaska. Orcas and humpbacks would jump out of the water only 15 feet from the edge of our boat. They’ve inadvertently capsized those boats before. Definitely one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.
  20. Censor? lol. I LOVE there are people here this misguided. It’s like a comedian in a Trump presidency. Bolverk appreciates your idiotic white knighting.
  21. This thread has been run over by bolverk’s CR lunacy. I don’t have energy to keep up.
  22. Funny, this is precisely how I felt about the initial numbers being reported. Anyone should question numbers by the GMO.
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