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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. They both will go that long, but yes we are getting screwed. Today is better. I like Thunder in 7 and Stars in 7. If they both advance I’ll be ecstatic.
  2. I’m aware. A travesty. Do me a favor and welch on another bet and fuck yourself.
  3. Blah blah blah red font didn’t read blah blah blah eat a dick.
  4. Same direction and the guy last night was wearing red instead of yellow. I think that guy got “his” section involved in fucking with Kyrie. Regardless, if I’m sitting courtside, I’m not talking shit to anyone (except Westbrook). These guys, with the exception of NFL wide receivers, are the best athletes in the world. Be a good host, cheer for your team and be in awe of what they ALL can do. We should recruit Ky to be a UT fan.
  5. He did? If so, he’s an idiot who should be fired. But I didn’t seem him spit.
  6. I dont know anything about them but judging by their support for Antifa and their job raising a nutjob, I don’t want to.
  7. I Don’t See Where They Were Stupid From the article: “Three individuals, all of whom are KU students, were arrested without incident for criminal trespass at Anschutz Library when they entered and caused a disturbance as students were studying for finals.” Good work.
  8. You’re not linking any news or stuff we can comment on. Why?
  9. Yeah because a) I would ever waste time engaging these dickless nerds and b) have a Brooklyn accent. Raging? I’ve not once even shown any emotion. You just aren’t accustomed to your narrative being challenged and your feathers are ruffled.
  10. They were very clearly scared of the guy. They only appeared as defiant as you thought they were because there were cops in the background.
  11. That band of gypsies wasn’t going to do anything. You think the knuckles hadn’t any impact? lol. Those idiots were scared shitless. You have zero interest in an honest conversation. You’re interested in employing your CR tactics here, and they won’t work.
  12. Who's your hopium man? He gave you the good stuff. A little hopium. I hope I’m right and think that I am. We will see.
  13. Yes. Your very essence demands it. When combined with your posting on the matter it is most certainly not a bullshit smear.
  14. It’s a very important distinction. Get on the Board or effect change on the Board. Hartzell isn’t going anywhere. He was a strong head who’s been strengthened by his actions of the past several weeks. Your opinion is in the small minority. Look I’m over my defense of the indefensible but if I’d noticed a similar Fox tweet I’d definitely comment on it.
  15. Oh, I’m not showing my ass at all except for an embarrassing yet common grammatical error. You SO want this to be counter protestors that I can smell your patchouli through my iPhone “Man has assaulted students!” Lulz. Revenge of the Nerds man. No wonder why YOU are so strongly siding with them.
  16. It’s sad that this is very wishful thinking on your part.
  17. If you’re not on the Board, nothing was declared in your name.
  18. I was just making an observation. It's especially frustrating since the refs are clearly using different standards from one player to the next and two of our hurt players can't get fouls called for them. It's remarkable how injury free OKC has been this season. Luka ain’t hurt. It’s all gamemanship with him. DJJ is fine. Gafford is so dominant yet can’t make shots this series. I’m not worried about his hand.
  19. These guys are fucking hammered and it’s chaos on the Stars postgame show. McClearin just tried to make a serious comment on the Stars dominating the first two periods and Corby and Dave are mocking his voice.
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