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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. I wouldn’t vote for Trump if I had AIDS and he had the fucking cure. I’ve never voted for him.
  2. I most certainly am, but not here. Are you saying I’m a Trump voter?
  3. He’s a self-promotion machine. I’m not quite sure who’s “mantra” that is, but fair to say it’s one of mine. You seem very much to be strongly insinuating something.
  4. Literalist wishcasting. You actually typed all that out. Sounds like Jay Hartzell IS our standard.
  5. I strongly suspect you don’t like that the posts are discrediting your wishful position that the protestors are peaceful, and you’ll do anything to discredit the various messengers. I repeat, shut the fuck up.
  6. Largely indifferent, but happy we are treating historically marginalized groups with respect. I don’t care who I’m getting my message from if you give me a good message and don’t make it about yourself.
  7. I never said I hadn’t heard of it and never denied its existence. I am literally never around it and I’m around people of faith all day every day. I don’t confuse the two, but it was never clarified. Methodism is ‘evangelical’ in doctrine. If Ana’s poll is correct there is a massive difference and I really would like to know how they differentiate. I’m UMC. I go to HPUMC. I presume a church like Watermark would be considered ‘evangelical’. Let me know if that is the case.
  8. Your reading comprehension sucks camel dicks.
  9. Never. Of course.
  10. I’m Methodist. Heard of all this shit - never seen it live, and I know tons of people, mostly of faith and diverse denominations at that. This is in no way mainstream. I’ve literally heard nobody discuss any of this. When Gaza is discussed in church, prayers are offered for the conflict and everyone involved.
  11. That is a load of horseshit. First, the article doesn’t tie “end times” directly to too many of these pastors mouths. Second, I’ve literally never heard any pastor (of probably 6 I’ve seen since 10/7/2023) mention the rapture in association with Israel. I’ve never heard anyone discuss it amongst friends. I don’t know one person that believes we are living in end times. This isn’t mainstream.
  12. Sizable segment? I’d like to meet ONE of these people before their compound is stormed. Also, the “sects [that] do not believe that Jews are saved”, I’d like to meet one of these people. You guys are WAY overplaying that reason Christian support for Israel. I don’t recall Dixon’s post being limited to nationalists. It appears it was. The last paragraph indicated it was mainstream Christianity. His post cannot be applied broadly to evangelicals. Not even close.
  13. Totally different argument. The protestors have totally wasted their time.
  14. lol did you just cite all those Bible verses focusing on one small part of Dixon’s post? I have issues with all of it, including the notion that Christians even think about Jews going to hell, and why we typically support Israel, and that the rapture has anything to do with it. It’s a laughable post.
  15. Man that’s the biggest fucking wild ass stretch I’ve ever seen. You’re wrong on like every little aspect of this.
  16. @royivdoesnt like my platform. Presumably he supports pits, high taxes, or dumb posters on Facebook and Instagram.
  17. He’ll face consequences. He already has. The other 2, I know for a fact one went to graduate UT and cannot hold work. He’s unhirable. I have zero issue with an entity deciding this guy creates a dangerous environment and can’t be there. If a government employee for the state of MS had some something similar, they’d be terminated. I cannot appreciate the difference. Yeah, the kid can say whatever he wants, but he’s got to pay the consequences.
  18. It’s a Cane Corso. There used to be some jackass here, Slade, that was a staunch pit defender. He’d always post the composite pic of 20 dog breeds that looked like pits but only 2 were APB and Staffordshires. One, oddly, was a fucking beagle. One was a Cane Corso and he’d also start his lectures off with “My Cane Corso…” I heard the guy yell pussy. What a jackass. That guy was as good as dead had the cop not been there. These dogs should all be eradicated, and their owners prosecuted for any damage they cause.
  19. I mean I guess he does. Just because there’s a double standard for racism doesn’t mean this guy has “a hell of a case”.
  20. Whatever. Their lives at OU were over. Boren probably knew they weren’t going to litigate his ruling, which surely violated handbook policy and as stated Title VI of the CRA. Boren had a reasonable, successful approach.
  21. Yep. And the majority of regular mask wearers don’t need to wear them, even in congested places like airports and planes.
  22. OU guys were kicked out, and this guy has been kicked out. Of course the university can kick him out for any poor behavior. You cannot be serious.
  23. It’s jimmyjazz. He hasn’t taken off his mask since February ‘20
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