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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Examples of Frank Drebin’s racist posting history?
  2. Absolutely not. Our actives made us drink and played Human Galaga whilst pegging us with tennis balls and when we “died” we had to shake on the ground like in the video game. If we were ever caught singing that song in public, there would be hell to pay at the next pledge meeting and the offender would be kicked out of the fraternity.
  3. I’m aware. I’m playing along for the inevitable racist accusation. They think they’re probing my defenses now.
  4. Unsanctioned, and every fraternity. So of the hundreds of active members or hangers-on, you’re gonna have a wayward former member that’ll teach impressionable freshmen. We were exposed and shook our heads and I didn’t think about it until 20 years later when that video surfaced.
  5. My daughter will be top 6% at HP (probably). She is considering UT but has a much higher affinity for UNC and UVA. She wants to get out of the state for a bit. But she’d go to UT, and her mind will change a few times between now and application time. For a time she was obsessed with UGA. Im just grateful she’s off private schools like Vandy and TCU. Shes quit sports to focus on drill team, except track. But I don’t see her getting a track scholarship.
  6. There was a thread years ago about OU fraternity guys that were singing a racist song and dropped N bombs on a party bus with dates that was recorded. Like 5 years ago. OU athletes were rightfully incensed and there was a major shitstorm on campus with Bob Stoops involved. The 2 offenders on camera were kicked out of school and their lives ruined. I was aware of the song, but not because it was ever taught to us as pledges. It is a song that I imagine every fraternity has in its history as an unsanctioned rogue song. I commented at the time how stupid these kids were. But I guess because of my awareness of the song, I’m racist.
  7. I’ve never sung it. It was never taught. Nice framing though.
  8. You misremembered my OU SAE song thread reference and accused me of supporting it, which I most certainly did not. On the “transphobe” commentary, I’ve never opined other than to show my disdain for Lia Thomas. I otherwise have never commented.
  9. Anecdotes are fun. HP has a huge UGA pipeline. A lot of those kids got into UT. A gal was accepted to Yale from HP, but not UT. That was 5 years ago. Im not saying it’s a political decision to not go there. I think more than that, they’re very accustomed to Austin, because most of all their parents went there, and they want to experience other parts of the country, and most of the people they hang out with in HS are going to UT. Making fun of black people as monkeys doesn’t fly, even at Ole Miss, as this guy has already found out. I imagine it is less acceptable in Athens than in Oxford.
  10. Are you talking about me? What are you on about?
  11. I don’t like his relationship with Thomas. But the guy isn’t a nazi and he’s given a shitload of $ to UT. It was a total bullshit tweet and smear attempt.
  12. Yep. Particularly UGA and Vandy. Also, a lot are CHOOSING to avoid UT and were accepted.
  13. I never defended that song. lol. Rather, I was extremely critical of it from the outset. Transphobic? When? Hilarious. You’re flailing.
  14. I don’t know if he has supported Trump at all. Certainly not like W or No Labels. Also, from Wiki: Crow's Dallas residence has an extensive collection of historical artifacts, including communist and Nazi memorabilia. His residence houses two paintings by Adolf Hitler and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.[37][38][39][40][41] Crow's backyard garden features what he named the 'Garden of Evil',[42] which is home to at least 20 statues of authoritarian leaders and Communist icons including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Karl Marx, Hosni Mubarak, Josip Broz Tito, Nicolae Ceausescu, Walter Ulbricht, Gavrilo Princip, Bela Kun, and Che Guevara.[43][44][45] Crow acquired these former public monuments after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc.[3] According to Crow, he collects such memorabilia because he "hates communism and fascism".[46] Crow also owns original paintings by Claude Monet, Rembrandt Peale, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Winston Churchill, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.[47]
  15. Am I derailing your mission to convince the board all violence was instigated by pro-Israeli counter-protestors, and pro-Palestine protestors have no culpability? That’d be a shame. You’re doing a tremendous job embarrassing yourself.
  16. She’s 100% wrong. Harlan Crow is the furthest thing from a Nazi.
  17. You so desperately want this to be the case. What the fuck is wrong with you?
  18. I was crucified for suggesting his actions might’ve had merit. In hindsight, I was kind of a pussy about it. He absolutely did the right thing.
  19. I don’t have any socks. Lol. I used to be Ted Striker on HF, changed to RK on Shag and here. I’m a big Airplane! fan. I disappeared from ‘21 (?) to a few months ago out of irrational fear my posts would be tied to my real identity. I imagine others when they leave have the same fear. That’s why I wanted my posts scrubbed. This guy is such a repetitive beating, and he misremembers all kinds of things and/or makes shit up. I revealed his name here, exactly once, because he had bragged to the point of releasing it himself. I know his name because another poster I know gave it to me, and I’m pretty sure he constantly confuses me with that guy. I never should have done it because he won’t shut the fuck up about it. I have no idea who his wife is or what her name is. He has zero idea of who I am or what I do for a living. I don’t release his name on an annual basis and have only done it once. It was wrong, particularly given my own fears. But he’ll claim he knows me in real life, that I released his wife’s name and that I do this on an annual basis. None of that is true.
  20. I wonder if this has changed minds on those who were anti-Hartzell.
  21. Probably. Because he’s white and we are the dominant culture. It’s what gets people the most worked up. Having a nerdy fat chick with purple hair or a brown person talking about killing Jews doesn’t move the rage needle as much as a blue eyed southern frat guy making very obvious gorilla movements and sounds. I don’t know if it is right or wrong to despise one more than the other. I just know I wouldn’t a) express real outrage at any of these people or b) hire any of these people.
  22. Rambling horseshit. I need to show these videos to my kids that when they get these half-baked ideas, don’t go on social media about them, ever. Hopefully their half-baked ideas don’t have delusion and hatred in them. That gal has ruined her life and she doesn’t even know it.
  23. I agree with all of that. I do think this particular demographic is more patriotic than most, and has a very unified line of thinking (money man excluded) and aggressive pack mentality. And so I can see why they’re getting involved. I wouldn’t, and I’d urge my kids at all costs to avoid these protests, particularly my son.
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