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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Your first paragraph - I totally agree. I’ve learned a lot of things. The Republican Party embarrasses me. I don’t think I’m a perfect prince and actually appreciate what I learn here. I don’t think anyone is being “mean”. A lot of it is mean-spirited but I don’t know the majority here and yall will never know me, so it does not bother me. Imma asked for feedback and I shared what I’ve witnessed and heard. Is it anecdotal? Sure. Can all the metrics and data bear this out? None can without direct “polling” feedback. Is it possible this is happening on a grander scale than my handful of acquaintances? I have little doubt it is. None of these guys are MAGA or even talk politics much. All are high earners. One is a heavy donor to UT after selling his company for $170 million several years ago.
  2. I’m not phobic anything, and have not ever spent time at Texags or Orangebloods and won’t. Ok on the rest of your post. You’re delusional and you don’t really want feedback. I’ll leave you alone.
  3. You showed data after I had already tuned you out due to three or four unnecessary insults. And your data is irrelevant to my point, which you continue to fail to even consider. Not every reason can be explained by your metrics. I never cared too much about getting neg repped or pos repped, and I didn’t ask for that list, but it is very instructive to my point because I’d say most people DO care about rep to some degree about it (including me). Most of those people have one strong thing in common: the CR. They stifle conversation, make the entire community appear like the left version of Marjorie Taylor Green, and ultimately affect $ whether they go to Surly or NIL. You’ll probably respond I’m an idiot because Surly hasn’t been affected financially, but you’re failing to consider business that walks away - business to which you were totally oblivious - because of the bullying left nature here. Keep believing it’s “strange” features of a good economy.
  4. It has everything to do with burnt end”z”. And me and my 5 moron friends could fill your gap and then some. I guess you’re not looking for feedback. Well, here’s some: I’m gonna take a break from the site and log out now. I think you made the right move last weekend yet kept that dumbass thread up that is still up, opening you up to unnecessary criticism when you were 100% correct. I think you need to think about how you address people, and how CR has totally dominated your NIL venture. I hope you can start a thread and solicit feedback without feeling like a sellout to the same group that is holding you hostage. Last feedback I’ll provide, probably ever, based on the way you’re insulting. I hope you are okay.
  5. People I know in real life either post here or lurk. They will not give your site $1 because of toxic nature and free-roaming horde in CR. They otherwise would. I’m not a fucking moron. Be ornery at your own risk.
  6. I’m fine posting here not gettting along with you. I had a meltdown in ‘21 or so and asked you to nuke my posts. You did. Thanks. But I don’t understand why you’re so sensitive if I’m just talking out of my ass and am a “moron” an “imbecile” and “so fucking stupid it’s insulting”. Why do you care then? It’s the economy - and I’m 100% wrong - even though the economy is decent.
  7. Biden. Decisively. But Texashammer’s post is on point.
  8. Ask imma. Responding to his post. As to your second sentence, no, that’s human nature. Shaggy was different than Surly. But of course Republicans are far more ridiculous now - I get it. But, independent to right-leaning people (a BIG part of the UT’s world) would view CR’s cabal as pretty reprehensible. And no, we’ve done a pretty poor job policing that. Your community, of course, hasn’t.
  9. Not at all. You don’t know me very well. I will say that Texags’ politics fits their constituency like a glove.
  10. Explain to me, like I’m 11, the distinction as it pertains to my point. People have a choice how to provide NIL funds. I know several diehard buddies that are wealthy that specifically will not route funds through Surly. It has become too political. All of your brethren seem to think so. I would expect no less. Many of you will never see how most view this camp, and how it deters discourse, membership, subscription, and NIL money.
  11. Coming in via Surlyhorns. I don’t distinguish between monthly / yearly dues and where the money goes. Maybe I should? I guess I don’t understand your distinction. Is there another “sub” that goes to Surly’s deposit account and not NIL?
  12. The economy is considerably better than it has been in many years since the Shag started. Including last year, ‘21 and certainly ‘20. It’s been said before, but the nature and dominance of the CR hard left lean is the primary reason for your difficulty with fund raising.
  13. Yep. Would rather have it, but Utah is gonna have to beat LAC at Staples and then Rockets have to beat them at Staples for us to have a chance. We are, by far, the hotter team, which I’ll take over any 1-game HC advantage.
  14. Funny, because since ‘08, I’ve lurked in your mom’s vagina.
  15. Tend to agree it’s over, but Luka’s odds have gone up sharply. It makes zero sense why Jokic gets it. What is hurting Luka is his sidekick is a top 10 player and Murray is not even close.
  16. Hes a massive favorite. I cannot imagine voting for Jokic over Luka. It’s a no brainer
  17. There is no gain and we aren't getting the 4th seed. LAC has home games against the hapless Jazz and sputtering Rockets. I'd keep the pedal down for reps and continuity into playoffs, but not press the issue unless LAC loses to Jazz tomorrow. LD and Ky don't need 36 minutes like last night.
  18. https://www.hartenergy.com/exclusives/unapologetic-barclays-restarts-ep-coverage-world-needs-oil-and-gas-208776?utm_source=morning-rush&utm_medium=email&utm_content=deck&mkt_tok=NDMzLU9ESy04ODkAAAGSa8j1sQmjyyAEKAE5yZtMIJc3RGbleb9Aruo970idanSyRVtI2CAxZ_8cn3zgCmXDSuPB9dN6bCxtZkWFkdziYLeHAHskz77PFifQ1NTV8VkATQ
  19. I thought Ky was a major risk that could work out beautifully. I thought it was a disaster after last season and at that point it was. I thought the PJ / Gafford trades were no brainers. I still never could’ve imagined how quickly it’d all come together, to the point where we go 16-2 down the most crucial stretch of the season and really look like we could make a deep run. I’m not scared of really anyone except the Celtics and this team doesn’t appear to be either. Edit to add I think we stole PJ and Gafford. Two instrumental pieces that average 53 starter minutes, 23 ppg, 13.5 rpg (MUCH needed), and 3 bpg (huge). And we gave up nothing immediate and probably nothing in the mid term. They have totally freed up Luka and Kyrie to be their best selves.
  20. He sure has rehabbed his image here. Bold move by Cuban and Nico, and I don’t know where we’d be without him. Him, Gafford, PJ, Exum and DJJ have been absolute crucial pickups in the last 14 months. This team is so much fun, and all of these guys are playing key roles. Need Lively to come back healthy for playoffs.
  21. Autocorrect. It’s either mmbtu or mcf. Mmcf is entirely too cheap. The metric is per thousand cubic feet - not million.
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