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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. I predict we hit $100, $125 and $150 over the next three calendar years, respectively.
  2. I don’t understand. I think many wish him well because he is a likable guy, and many recognize that this place oftentimes is the antithesis of therapeutic for him. When I see suggestions of taking a break I view them as genuine concern for his well being and not bullying.
  3. So fuck him. Right? You must be responding to your preconceived notion of me. Not sure you’ve read what I’ve written.
  4. Yeah, I don't think mentally ill people are super happy, dude. Of course not. But they can have manic periods. The vast majority of posters are strangers to me and will always be so. I don’t think I’d ever go to a tailgate or HH. I don’t have meaningful “real” relationships here by choice. So I just don’t have his perspective.
  5. I guess, but I just have never viewed it that way. If I cared too much what this board thought about me I’d be miserable.
  6. I always catch a lot of grief from friends. Probably because I dish a lot of it out. We’re 40-50, and I get my balls busted as hard now as I did in college and it’s never stopped. Most of the time I simply do not care. If I cared more and was vulnerable to insults, that is where it’d cross the “bullying” line. I’m very much like Derka in that I am perceived to initiate a lot of the shit amongst our group. Point being, I can see why he feels bullied and I can see why people feel comfortable going at him without considering they’re even bullying in the first place. It’s clear that at times he cannot handle this place and he’s in one of those times; I just reread a post form Page 1 where he clearly outlined suicidal thoughts. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time, @shadow_operative and will pray for you. troph, I’m sorry I’m suspect. I’m a pretty genuine guy. Snobbish, arrogant, ass hole a lot of the time, have faulty judgement a lot, And I will bust balls mercilessly, but hope I never attain the status of a bully with anyone.
  7. You seem angry with me. I’m telling you why he gets bullied. Not providing an excuse. He definitely brings it on himself and cannot handle the blowback. I had him on ignore the last few ears I was here, but hadn’t put him back there since coming back a few months ago. I haven’t engaged with him. I had not noticed any outbursts and figured he was relaxing with age.
  8. Derka gets bullied because he’s bombastic, combative and verbose as fuck. But more than this, he ALLOWS himself to be bullied. Most of us have detractors. Some of my criticism is well deserved. I simply do not acknowdge old criticism about my dipping on a plane, which was fucking stupid. Ignore feature is limited but DOES work. He was given a perfectly suitable option to remain and he chose to go on a rant instead. Blacklab and Imma seem to be unified on the ultimate outcome. He's incessant drama and potential future liability. I don’t get the angst over imma’s purported lack of compassion. I’m not seeing it.
  9. I’ve got some mild stuff. But it does not define me so I’ve never addressed it here. I won’t shy away from it. I think there’s only 2 posters here that know me in real life and they are probably clueless about it.
  10. Yeah that was uncalled for. I tire of the repetitive behavior but you never know when you say something that really hurts someone and he is one that could be hurt, so for what it’s worth I’m sorry @shadow_operative, and I hope you realize this site isn’t real life and to just relax in general. I’ve had to take years off before because I am sensitive too.
  11. You have a wildly different account of what has actually transpired than I do. I don’t understand how this guy continues to garner sympathy. I also don’t understand why @immamac is going through this weekend whistle stop tour showing Derka’s dead bloated body. Just ban him now. Otherwise you’re opening yourself for a weekend of grief.
  12. This. I’ve got a guy on ignore, and he’s constantly quoted. It’d be helpful if ignored posters simply did not appear at all, as if you blocked a spam number on your iPhone. Weak willed people will look at messages from ignored posters because it’s readily available, and, people love to be enraged.
  13. Probably correct no matter who’s elected.
  14. Just saw your old boy Phil. I’m shithammered
  15. Anyone going to Vegas for WOPT?
  16. As misguided as you’ve always been. I only have 150 posts. You’ll be alright and blissfully ignorant. Relax.
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