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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Ha. Point being, with all these early colon cancer diagnoses, or earlier than normal, it’s imperative you get checked out at that age and probably 40 if you have history of colon cancer. Men are generally fearful of the deal, and I get why, but it was easy. Prepping by far was the worst part. The African American community, as an example, is at relatively higher risk and doesn’t get screened.
  2. Just got done. Was a really minor deal. And I learned some things. I’m 45, about to be 46. Three of the hottest nurses were there. I’ve convinced my wife to get hers done there.
  3. Did you just fucking say toot?
  4. I’m eating lemon jello and Jolly Ranchers. Not fun man. I’m fucking hangry. This is serious shit.
  5. Oh I figured. The problem is, that’s tomorrow.
  6. Was just coming to post this vid. The most insane pass I’ve ever seen.
  7. I’d run for office on the dual issue platform to lower taxes and to euthanize pits. The people above are too stupid to reside in my constituency.
  8. Kingston went to the Baylor school of attention whoring with his buddy Clay Jenkins. Anything to keep his name out there.
  9. Whatever. BR has been vocal about renewables only and ESG, and a lot of their bigger PE brethren have abandoned the space. Performance related issues are good reasons to (temporarily) leave. ESG is not a good reason to seemingly permanently bolt, and be very vocal about it. BR constantly placated its leftist constitutents and just learned relationships work both ways. We flexed our muscles, I’m very happy we did so, and BR’s post-mortem commentary is hilariously butthurt obfuscation.
  10. You need a lot more detail than this. Allocated to energy? What is committed of that amount? What is ACTUAL energy like hydrocarbons and midstream and services? Even then, who cares what they’ve currently committed? Are they gonna fuck themselves with Oxy because Texas told them to hit the bricks? Good luck I guess.
  11. They don’t. That’s probably what they’ve committed over time (probably only over last 15 years), the vast majority of which has been returned and made them a shit ton of money. But BlackRock fucked around and found out. They’ve been HARD on the wrong side of ESG, and have been the poster child for investing only in renewables. Yes, they had been walking back their ridiculous stance, but fuck ‘em.
  12. I’d add attention whoring contrarians.
  13. I know, am relaxed, and have issues with that too. Pit bulls are like wild pigs. Invasive destructive creatures. You cannot expect breeders to adhere to neutering. They all need to go away.
  14. All I hear is “blah blah blah” while my only concern is my child getting her face ripped off or being killed.
  15. Duke. 90 pound counter surfer. Has an endless supply of socks the location of which only he knows.
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