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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. I play there in a tournament every April. It’s not that great.
  2. I watched that whole video too. Every one of those women was terrible. Mental illness draws no political party lines, it seems. Certainly no geographic lines.
  3. That video was staged as shit. She would’ve felt tugs on her hair. The girl sticking the gum in her hair was her friend and the girl behind them was filming and they’re all buddies. It was a wig. Nobody is that unaware and if they were they’d be called out, even by someone like my very meek wife.
  4. Just boarded plane from DFW to Punta Mita. Had a couple double bourbons in Admirals Club. I’m definitely dipping on this plane. I hope some of yall are on here. Let’s goooooooo
  5. He’s a pretty good color guy when he’s not going out of his way to not pronounce any “t”. This video is old news.
  6. What a fun game that I actually stuck with. We are so deep. Otter isn’t good at all right now.
  7. Because as a non-Buddhist westerner, he set himself on fire. Is this real life? He won’t be seen as a martyr or hero. He won’t be forgotten but will be a footnote forewarning of mental illness.
  8. Some just don’t understand “their” industry.
  9. For real though, what is your actual industry? I can think of about 5 that your routinely post. Serious question, you obv have a few irons in a few fires. I just noticed this response. Not yours, but the name-dropping gasbag to which you responded that I’ve had on ignore since restarting this account. Anyone who thinks prices aren’t going significantly higher, particularly oil, doesn’t know how to analyze basic supply and demand. I’m bearish on gas in short term and maybe mid term, extremely bullish on both commodities long term, and bullish on crude NOW.
  10. Let’s roll to April contract to see if we can overcome this admin’s outright assault on natural gas. If we can, we can withstand idiotic, dated and irrelevant Carl Quintanilla tweets.
  11. Leiter has been re-tooled. I expect him to make a real push for the roster. Would love to have Monty but it’s not going to happen at what he’s asking and in a few years we will be happy we didn’t commit. Developments this year will be watching Jung, Carter and Langford take big steps forward, and hoping our old Cy Youngers return to form. I’d expect Seager, Semien, Garcia, Heim and Lowe to repeat efforts. I listened to that contrarian pederast Sean Bass today talk about how the Astros were “still” the class of the West. Fucking idiot.
  12. He’s asking too much for too long a period. Guys his size don’t fare well on the back end years of a deal that long. He’d leave if someone else would give him that deal, but they’re not. There’s no market for what he’s asking. The thought is, they’d love to have him at about half the cost and half the tenor. TV deal has zero to do with it and any connection from TV deal to Monty is a smokescreen. Sucks because he was such a postseason stud, but unless he has a serious capitulation, he’s gonzo. Zero chance Bauer pitches here.
  13. Wrong. MJ was NOT in hoops shape. Easily, the Bulls win 8 in a row. Though they’re not “sweeping” the Rockets, OP, so I can’t pick an option.
  14. CHK cuts production 20%. Natty rips! 🚀
  15. Autry isn’t a grumpy guy. Hes a super nice, nerdy engineer. He is notoriously cheap. I know his daughter and son-in-law (unified with Autry against his crazy wife) and not only do they not want control of the company, he just fucking announced its sale. I don’t know about his Horns BMD endeavors. I don’t think he’d be one that’d put up Rowling type $.
  16. I should’ve hedged gas $2 ago. FML.
  17. He doesn’t give a shit about the money. But his wife does, if they’re still married. She’s crazier than a shithouse rat.
  18. I’m repeating verbatim what CY told me. I see your subsequent posts. Good talk.
  19. Goddamn that was a great debut by these two. Watched Skin’s post game interview and liked them both. Young athletic studs. Combined 33 and 14. Gafford 19 and 9 in just 17 minutes. Kleber with a nice day too. Luka didn’t even play the 4th, I don’t think.
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