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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Well I mean people all over Twitter are doing just that.
  2. Fair. And I wouldn’t do it. Also to be fair he doesn’t have Nazi shit all over his house. Dude is a massive art collector and has a few Hitler paintings. Still weird but it’s not like he arted up his house like Berlin in ‘39
  3. Ok. I think Horns saying “this bullshit journalism is bullshit” with respect to one of our own, and a big donor to UT, isn’t weird. I’m not defending his other political activities. I think it’s “weird” that we wouldn’t call out BS journalism when we see it, but perhaps this forum isn’t as open minded as it purports.
  4. CT or Harlan? It is odd watching a grown man (I assume Rex is a man) defending another grown man (who I assume he's never met) from negative comments on the internet. The tweet was horseshit and a prime example of typical media bullshit. The Nazi accusations are horseshit. It’s perplexing anyone would contend otherwise. Criticism of Harlan and his subsidization of the Thomases is equal parts legal, odd and concerning on multiple levels and I’ll never defend that. I’m familiar with him. I don’t know him personally but know men personally with more wealth than him. His relationship with CT is concerning. Moreso from CT’s part. I’m not familiar with any other “oligarch and theocrats” for which I’ve carried water?
  5. South has better looking women. Dallas has better looking women per capita than anywhere.
  6. No clue. But it’s insane nonetheless as this gal was an academic stud but just outside 6%.
  7. Not really. Related, but more to the point, graduates who are having their graduations cancelled due to this protest nonsense are the same kids that had their HS graduation ceremonies cancelled in ‘20.
  8. Well you know him apparently! Hes a big supporter of No Labels which strongly suggests he’s not on board with Trump. But I don’t know him like you do.
  9. Well it was between 24 and 28 years ago, I’m aware there were no camera phones, and you’ll just have to take my word for it that nobody did shit like that. We were too busy getting drunk and ass.
  10. I’m sure John Sacrimone said some heinous shit on The Sopranos, but I’m hardly gonna fault Frank Drebin for it.
  11. It wasn’t at OU. Nobody attempted to stop the drunken idiots from singing and there were many more including girls that were singing that weren’t on camera. If any drunken idiot tried to start up that song, it would’ve been stopped quickly with force if need be. No, we never fired up a choir sesh with that song, were asked to, or were required to do so.
  12. Rich people collect rare shit. Who knows their real motivations. I suspect it’s better in his hands in a private collection than in true neo nazi extremists. Buying influence is not the same thing as giving money. In his case it’s clear he does both.
  13. Examples of Frank Drebin’s racist posting history?
  14. Absolutely not. Our actives made us drink and played Human Galaga whilst pegging us with tennis balls and when we “died” we had to shake on the ground like in the video game. If we were ever caught singing that song in public, there would be hell to pay at the next pledge meeting and the offender would be kicked out of the fraternity.
  15. I’m aware. I’m playing along for the inevitable racist accusation. They think they’re probing my defenses now.
  16. Unsanctioned, and every fraternity. So of the hundreds of active members or hangers-on, you’re gonna have a wayward former member that’ll teach impressionable freshmen. We were exposed and shook our heads and I didn’t think about it until 20 years later when that video surfaced.
  17. My daughter will be top 6% at HP (probably). She is considering UT but has a much higher affinity for UNC and UVA. She wants to get out of the state for a bit. But she’d go to UT, and her mind will change a few times between now and application time. For a time she was obsessed with UGA. Im just grateful she’s off private schools like Vandy and TCU. Shes quit sports to focus on drill team, except track. But I don’t see her getting a track scholarship.
  18. There was a thread years ago about OU fraternity guys that were singing a racist song and dropped N bombs on a party bus with dates that was recorded. Like 5 years ago. OU athletes were rightfully incensed and there was a major shitstorm on campus with Bob Stoops involved. The 2 offenders on camera were kicked out of school and their lives ruined. I was aware of the song, but not because it was ever taught to us as pledges. It is a song that I imagine every fraternity has in its history as an unsanctioned rogue song. I commented at the time how stupid these kids were. But I guess because of my awareness of the song, I’m racist.
  19. I’ve never sung it. It was never taught. Nice framing though.
  20. You misremembered my OU SAE song thread reference and accused me of supporting it, which I most certainly did not. On the “transphobe” commentary, I’ve never opined other than to show my disdain for Lia Thomas. I otherwise have never commented.
  21. Anecdotes are fun. HP has a huge UGA pipeline. A lot of those kids got into UT. A gal was accepted to Yale from HP, but not UT. That was 5 years ago. Im not saying it’s a political decision to not go there. I think more than that, they’re very accustomed to Austin, because most of all their parents went there, and they want to experience other parts of the country, and most of the people they hang out with in HS are going to UT. Making fun of black people as monkeys doesn’t fly, even at Ole Miss, as this guy has already found out. I imagine it is less acceptable in Athens than in Oxford.
  22. Are you talking about me? What are you on about?
  23. I don’t like his relationship with Thomas. But the guy isn’t a nazi and he’s given a shitload of $ to UT. It was a total bullshit tweet and smear attempt.
  24. Yep. Particularly UGA and Vandy. Also, a lot are CHOOSING to avoid UT and were accepted.
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