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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. The poster you quoted, I’ve got on ignore. I’m not crying. I’m just not going to respond to a very loquacious post that effectively says “everything you said is wrong”. I voted Kamala. I was offering reasons why she lost, or rather defending Maher. HP totally discounts everything I wrote, and y’all are all jumping on board with it, saying I got “trounced”. Im not going to waste time arguing. If your collective attitude pervades, Dems will continue to lose. I strongly suspect most of you know it, yet just don’t like it.
  2. You’ve not been at this longer than I have. Your post is full of shit.
  3. Nope. And lol. I don’t know ya, but you’re probably a CR loon.
  4. You’re either about to (a) get totally assaulted for embedding a source from Twitter that was not beyond reproach or (b) totally ignored.
  5. He dismissed everything I said. He responded like a child. I’m not going to engage like an even more verbose child. I don’t care enough. He is a prime example of why Dems lose. Carry on.
  6. You’re a fucking moron and I refuse to engage with you anymore.
  7. D was average in the second half and flat out awful at times.
  8. 1st half receivers (Wingo and Bond) lost us the game much moreso than Quinn. Y’all are lashing out whilst smoking crack. I suspect I’ll enjoy revisiting this thread during the playoffs. Until then most of yall can fuck right off.
  9. Yeah. The fucking idiot above saying he told the refs what to call? Shut the fuck up dude. It was an obvious hands to the face. Hats off to Kirby. We haven’t been able to beat him.
  10. I mean exactly what I fucking typed: he’d had a good performance until that pick. This game should not be tight at this point without our receivers (and penalties). He should have over 400 yards by now. Stop taking your emotional fits out on a single player.
  11. Y’all think this is over? lol. It’s been a good performance before that last throw. Shut the fuck up.
  12. Fucking overcome it. The late hit? Close. The false start? Inconsequential.
  13. What the fuck ever. We have got to overcome it.
  14. Quinn has played great today. The receivers are letting him down, big time. Certain posters on this thread are beyond speaking with. One of them got banned but can now tune in to this thread. Yes, the infamous one that thinks everyone is out to get him, said Quinn was the worst offensive player of the starters, and basically said kids from white high schools shouldn’t be recruited. You know, Brees, Mayfield, Ehlinger, Klubnik, Quinn, and whether he knows it or not, Manning. You had another idiot above saying only Manning can win us a title this year. Insanity.
  15. Stopping the bleeding at the border and deportations are two totally different things. We will not end up with a construction workforce shortage. We will not end up with a shortage of produce. This isn’t an inflation contributor, and if it becomes one, I’d expect Trump to react to that and loosen and have some sort of Bush era guest worker program. Your crime rate anecdote is logical. I do not know about the numbers, but I get what you’re saying. In terms of what Dem politicians do, in general, they don’t push back on various narratives that range from wildly unpopular social issues from DEI to trans issues to unpopular climate mandates to pronoun usage to defining what a woman is. Therefore, en masse, they’re seen to be complicit. Specifically, they protect politicians like Tlaib fomenting even more unpopular initiatives. On the last paragraph, I’d like to reiterate I didn’t vote Trump or Cruz and for the first time in my life, voted their foes instead of abstaining. I just see, very clearly, the issues. Dems are totally lost right now because of their failure to address immigration, their refusal to combat the most fringe elements of their party, and because of inflation that was not the fault of Biden. Depending on the independent voter that went Trump this round, I suspect 90% of them voted with one of those 3 issues at the forefront of their brains, and in hindsight it makes sense. There is now a persistence of elitism amongst the left talking heads, and a very clear lack of acceptance of this. It is evident everywhere in this forum. Maher has been calling it out for about 2 years, and yall don’t like him now.
  16. insane stance. What is that problem? More insanity. I’m mildly interested in your responses here. Perhaps this mischaracterization and misrepresentation is what you actually believe, and perhaps Biden/Harris too. Im not gonna engage in the fringe left questions. You’re willfully ignorant if you deny there’s an issue with both national politicians and mainstream media. Expand pls.
  17. You know I guess that totally absolves them, and provides them cover to just quit.
  18. This is all over the place. Everyone absolutely wants to cease the numbers of illegal immigrants coming through. I’m not interested in having a discussion about making manual labor above board. These are not the same concepts and are barely repeated.
  19. Either the Dem platform is exactly the same as the fringe left agenda, or Dem leadership (and the vast majority of mainstream media) is entirely too scared to exhibit any behavior other than politically correct and woke that it tells the world Dem institutions condone fringe left behavior. Cutting off illegal immigration would create a bigger problem than we have now? lol. And Dems are markedly worse than GOP on immigration, particularly if all you are looking at is Biden admin.
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