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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Correct that I was a member but we never sang that song and I was very critical of the idiots at OU that were videoed singing it on a party bus. What else ya got?
  2. He’s my favorite character if only for his stereotypical Asian grunts. It’s as if he’s trying to play Long Duck Dong.
  3. They don’t need this. If they throw the might of their Air Force at the Iranians, and drone the shit out of them, they will capitulate, and quickly. There’s a reason they haven’t done this, but they’re considering it on an increasing basis. If they did they’d rout those pig fuckers in weeks and possibly days.
  4. Not boots on ground. If you don’t think Israelis can navigate around Jordanian and Iraqi air space, you’re taking crazy pills. Yes, an asleep-at-the-wheel disengaged military. They’re now fully engaged. Do yall doubt their capabilities?
  5. And yes, they’d have unfettered access to Iran.
  6. I never said their feet would touch the ground. They don’t need to.
  7. Yes. At least get Iran to agree to a ceasefire and get it to (temporarily) cease funding terror campaigns. I’m not sure some of yall realize how bad ass Israeli military is. Head to head, Israel would absolutely obliterate Iran. Is this a real question?
  8. They can without US support. Certainly without our putting fucking boots on the ground in Iran, which nobody suggested and is an insane proposition.
  9. Question, am I better off buying tickets at Dodger Stadium for our mid-June trip now, or waiting? Prices are about the same on Seat Geek or their box office. I'd like to think the cost of the tix is just going to increase up through game time.
  10. They can easily handle a “war” in Gaza, a “war” in Lebanon, and the real war against Iran in mainland Iran against a nuclear paper tiger.
  11. That’s great. We had a big crowd at ROCC cheering him on. Was cool to see Randy at Augusta wearing his colors.
  12. Sean Bass talking about golf was the funniest, worst shit ever.
  13. I don’t agree this was Iran’s intention. Rather I lean toward their incompetence. Regardless, stop the self-congratulatory dick sucking about our role. If this was a multi-party dog and pony, there are many incompetent governments including our own, the Israelis and the Iranians.
  14. Israel has historically displayed responses way beyond restraint. I’d argue it’s the entire reason 10/7 happened.
  15. Iran feeling obligated to respond is such odd thinking to me. They’re the ones that started all this shit in the first place. They didn’t have to respond. They have Quds and RG higher-ups get murdered all the time by Israel, and it is in direct response to the terror campaigns those Iranians lead in handling Hezbollah and Hamas. Never before have they launched 350 missiles and drones at Israel, directly. This “show of force to the Islamic world” is a massive failure. They’re a laughingstock abroad and in the region. If this was intentional, they’re dumber than I thought.
  16. Yeah. Jok has a fantastic supporting cast though. Reminds me a lot of what Dirk had a lot of years in his prime. A lot of really good help. No superfriends sidekicks.
  17. They’re not snowflakes. I tout the place. They lurk, say no thanks. Nobody treats me poorly there.
  18. Ah, rep. Spoken like a dork that videos his jump shot and puts it on the internet.
  19. I know you know he’d already won. And you know what I’m talking about you little fuckstain.
  20. ? And they still have 3. It’s funny you’re saying “I know” after you talked about our 5 wins. No, you didn’t know.
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