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Rex Kramer

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Everything posted by Rex Kramer

  1. Well aren’t you full of surprises when not taking political potshots.
  2. Yes. I said don’t fuck with SPR. Absolutely buy when opportunities like that present themselves. We’ve all forgotten what a true supply crisis looks like. The manipulations by Trump in ‘19 and Biden in ‘22 are pure horse hockey.
  3. You don’t fuck with the SPR. Ever. Trump and Biden both used it as a tool to manipulate price. Trump released at $70 (!) and never bought back at $20-$30. Biden’s fucking around appears to be much smarter, but for the plan, he released WAY too much to little relief, and he’s about to find out.
  4. What exactly has been replenished? 16%….lol. I’m not triggered by this, like the TexAgs posters you sought out, I guess. Take the Republican out of this: we are VERY thin, heading toward a crisis, and we should all be concerned right now. I definitely agree we had clowns in place. Schulz is very much correct and we were all bitching about it at the time. I guess the ‘20 Energy Dept was drinking bleach. I’m so confused by how peak oil is a lib statement? For the record, I think Biden / Granholm ought to keep doing what they’re doing, but they’re going SO slowly they’ll never replenish what they released, and if they do, it’ll exceed a weighted average $95.
  5. Better, but still only 16% of what they released. And they’ve missed their window of cheap-ish oil. It’s laughable you’re bolding IEA’s notion of what the US should hold when we’re down a net 150 million bbls. Granholm has no notion that every major oil shale play has peaked, except the Permian, and is in irreversible decline. And the Permian will hit its peak later this year. It’s not clear or not whether you understand this. I suspect not as most people don’t. Hi pal. Coming after your business.
  6. 100%, but crude probably averaged $25-$30 from 4/1/20-12/31/20. And Trump used SPR releases as a political tool too, but more idiotically.
  7. I initially said “$15 ago”, and there have been ample opportunities to do so. I haven’t heard anything about a continued buyback program. And you haven’t either apparently because you linked an article citing their whopping 5% buyback. There have been many trading days under $70, and, $75 average buyback price is great. Why has it apparently stopped? Look, I’m responding to 3 putt’s Texags post and nothing more. If the Biden admin can put it back at a net neutral cost, that’s great. And what the fuck ever on the other dude’s posts. I don’t own properties. I’m a banker. He was 100% on gas though.
  8. I haven’t been on this board since what, ‘21? Nonetheless, I called for $100 that year, and was absolutely correct. You do realize we had an extended period within the last 2 years between $100-$120? On oil ranging from $60-$70, you clearly do not pay attention to oil prices. But cool triggered meme. Nailed me.
  9. Gordo’s obsession with a semi-retarded communist murderer is weird and off-putting. And his plot purchase is a bit. I’m sure his family is thrilled at the notion of him resting alongside LHO for eternity.
  10. Came for news. Leaving because of same propagandists that dominate CR thread.
  11. Of course I know this; however, they’re not nearly as limited as you think. I’m just interested in what they’ve bought back. You linked a report they’d bought back 5% of volume released and intimated you were triggered. Are you asking me about the number of days we’ve traded below $70 the last two years? Yeah I’m not gonna help you out there lil buddy. I never “bet” on $100 oil. I predicted it awhile ago and was 100% correct. See 2022 when we hit $120 and averaged $95 or so for the year. You know, when you hit $100 you typically don’t stay there for long, right?
  12. Why does this trigger you? Is it because the admin released 180 million barrels but only bought back 9 million? Or is it because they’ve had multiple opportunities to buy at $60-$65 crude but continually fail to do so?
  13. I find these odds fascinating. Clearly a lot is driven on star power and past history. But Suns, Lakers and Warriors entirely too high. At this point 4 seed is on the table and we should take it. Odds to Win NBA Championship, 2024 TEAM TITLE ODDS Boston Celtics +225 Denver Nuggets +325 Los Angeles Clippers +550 Milwaukee Bucks +700 Oklahoma City Thunder +1800 Phoenix Suns +2000 Dallas Mavericks +3000 Minnesota Timberwolves +3000 Golden State Warriors +3500 New York Knicks +3500 Miami Heat +3500 Los Angeles Lakers +3500 Cleveland Cavaliers +4000 Philadelphia 76ers +4000 New Orleans Pelicans +6600 Sacramento Kings +6600 Indiana Pacers +12500 Orlando Magic +25000 Houston Rockets +50000 Atlanta Hawks +100000 Chicago Bulls +100000 Utah Jazz +100000 Brooklyn Nets +100000 Toronto Raptors +100000
  14. A few points: 1) we would be pumping more, and the price would be lower. The Biden admin has been hostile to the industry. That has evolved from outward hostility to Granholm getting a dose of reality and calming down, whilst still making the absurd decision to block new LNG permitting. 2) WH missed their window. They should’ve down that $15 ago but are too stupid to do so. 3) The reporting has totally changed to include certain refined product. That’s driven by API/EIA and not a Biden thing. We aren’t producing a record amount of crude in and of itself. The numbers produced are a win for the industry, for Biden (even though they’ve occurred in spite of Biden), and are totally fool’s gold. These continued reports do nothing at all to change my opinion on the direction of crude.
  15. I’m drinking coffee now, frozen with fear I’m about to explode.
  16. I was still loopy yesterday and tried to zoom in, with my fingers, hard copy printouts of two polyps removed. My wife was like, dude that is a piece of paper.
  17. Ha. Point being, with all these early colon cancer diagnoses, or earlier than normal, it’s imperative you get checked out at that age and probably 40 if you have history of colon cancer. Men are generally fearful of the deal, and I get why, but it was easy. Prepping by far was the worst part. The African American community, as an example, is at relatively higher risk and doesn’t get screened.
  18. Just got done. Was a really minor deal. And I learned some things. I’m 45, about to be 46. Three of the hottest nurses were there. I’ve convinced my wife to get hers done there.
  19. Did you just fucking say toot?
  20. I’m eating lemon jello and Jolly Ranchers. Not fun man. I’m fucking hangry. This is serious shit.
  21. Oh I figured. The problem is, that’s tomorrow.
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