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Navin R. Johnson

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Everything posted by Navin R. Johnson

  1. I remember my physics final at RLM. I was in the building when the exam took place. I wasn’t in the classroom, but sort of classroom adjacent. I still got a 0 for some reason.
  2. It always amazes me how the aggy propagandists are so dismissive when an aggy commit visits another school, yet they scream from the rooftops when another school’s commit visits them. They work themselves into a frenzy, as if they are filling their jars for bonfire.
  3. Fisch already has his personal ‘KarenKeyLargo’ doing work on Texags. And aggy is eating that shit up again.
  4. Let us not forget, Coach Jedd studied under McVay. He studied ! And he knows Coach McVay!
  5. Coach Jedd emphasizes identifying talent, recruiting talent, and developing talent. I think we should pass this info along to Sark. In fact I’m shocked that thread hasn’t been locked, lest Saban discover this.
  6. Cooper is gone next year. And in the meantime he will enjoy watching his beloved aggy teammates play in the Texas Bowl.
  7. Their front 7 rack up stats against below .500 teams and FCS teams. What have they done against winning teams?
  8. Did Elko turn them down?
  9. A lot of coaches names have been tossed around in this thread, but there’s one coach who is being overlooked and he has accomplished a great deal at the P5 level: Jimbo Fisher. I think aggy would be remiss to not at least give him an interview.
  10. Let’s just call him Rock Hard the Good Ag
  11. When they did play in the big 12, for 15+ seasons, they were pretty much .500
  12. Jizz jar was the line! Not 5 jar. I’m going with jizz jar!
  13. They don’t need a 5 star culture when they have a jizz jar culture.
  14. The way an aggie shows his undying love for Texas A&M is by jizzing in a jar and placing it atop the bonfire. Looch needs to confirm with Campbell whether or not he did this. It’s the professional journalistic approach.
  15. Pate saw how Looch is running a profitable business at the state level by fleecing those farmers, and he realized he could do the same on the national level. I should have thought of this business plan 20 years ago.
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