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  1. At this point, you've just got to laugh
  2. Great show, but I'm afraid its legacy will be tarnished by the remake I keep seeing advertisements for
  3. I chuckled
  4. I'm usually in nola for NYE week, and it's always fun seeing the sugar bowl fans clowning around in the quarter. If you want away from the chaos, head uptown to jaques-imos or boucherie or the bars on freret in the fourteenth. Atchafalaya is a favorite on Louisiana ave. Had an amazing pre fixe meal at Lengua Madre last year. Or head the other way from the quarter to marigny and check out Spotted Cat for music (and really Frenchmen in general) or further on to Bacchanal in Bywater. Great town. Best town.
  5. Good posts; you clearly know a lot more about these guys than I do. I did listen to the podcast, which felt a bit too indulgent and voyeuristic for me. That said, the article is mostly told in the voices of the people who were there, and their stories feel a lot more consumable in tiny excerpts than they did for me in podcast form. As I think I posted earlier in this thread, I love THE SECRET HISTORY for about as many reasons as I hate it. Didn't love THE GOLDFINCH even though I wanted to. BEE books are on my stack but haven't gotten there yet. Your endorsement will bump them up the list. Cheers
  6. Also, I'm laughing at all the historicizing posts in this thread arguing about the possible dates for football games and the potential for Christmas Eve office parties. That's not how fiction works! But to be fair, that is how message boards work
  7. Good point and funny because the entire Christmas holiday with the presents and the tree and the food is really an invention of Victorian England and Charles Dickens. Before that the bigger celebrations were the twelve days *after* Christmas, including the New Year's exchange of gifts, in anticipation of the feast of the epiphany. I'm always so confused by the twelve-day Advent calendars that people start before Christmas. They just don't know. Of course if you make it through twelfth night to king's day, you get the start of my personal favorite holiday season, mardi gras. See y'all in New Orleans on the 1st.
  8. Even if these unrealistic things annoy you, they are not continuity errors. Continuity errors are problems with internal logic, discontinuities within the fiction.
  9. I don't have a good answer to this other than to point out that many of his contemporaries also have similar reputations -- many of them were wealthy, elite, and arrogant (though of course that's not particularly unusual among the 90s literary set). If you don't know it, this is a great article about the Bennington crew, especially Donna Tartt and Easton Ellis, and the shared influences they derived from this morally bankrupt place. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/a27434009/bennington-college-oral-history-bret-easton-ellis/
  10. I'm a fan of ZS and saw her give a nice talk on campus several years ago. She was super cool and among the better literary speakers I saw at UT. What kind of thesis you working on?
  11. damn, I came here to post some stuff but y'all a lot older than me
  12. NOLA roll call, my dudes! See y'all in the Quarter
  13. Love watching Erik ten(th place) Hag and captain asshole Bruno crash and burn to the real United. "We were so dominant" - coach of team that lost 0-2
  14. This is an incredible shot. Always wondered how they did this, but duh. Guess they all meet in a cafe and work on their laptops.
  15. I'm thinking that Bournemouth-Luton will be have to be played from the start when it's rescheduled. It's the only fair way to enforce that rule. Would have totally sucked if one team was up big though. Can't think of a recent example of this happening in the premiere league, but I feel like there must have been. Maybe one where the lights went out?
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