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George Clooney

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Everything posted by George Clooney

  1. You can just admit you haven't read any of his works. He, like most post structuralist philosophers, offered little to believe in yet still offered more than all but maybe ten economists to ever live. The point is the lack of a clear definition of recession signifies how useless it is to read, formulate, or debate economic theory altogether. Not sure why I still bother to spend time in this dull abyss.
  2. This is on you for expecting much out of our institutions
  3. Lol
  4. Jean Baudrillard is smirking somewhere rn.
  5. To be electable, she must win the GA Governor election. She's now raising more than Kemp, but the polls have been consistently in Kemp's favor throughout the race.
  6. The GOP base doesn't care for Romney anymore.
  7. He'll probably be running for Senate. He recently became a Michigan resident, and I assume he did so because he's heard this is Stabenow's last term.
  8. Swap Abrams for Pritzker
  9. Yeah it certainly feels that way. His VP nomination would be especially critical to appeal to midwestern voters.
  10. Every country with a significant amount of Eastern Orthodox adherents is a shithole. Surely that’s just a coincidence.
  11. Outstanding third set between Sinner and Alcaraz
  12. I only know a handful of Canadians, but they all say they'll never move back there. All but one of them are pretty liberal too. From what they've told me, the housing situation up there (specifically Toronto and Vancouver) is a house of cards held up by wealthy Asian immigrants and the children of oligarchs. I'm not sure if it's easy to gain residence in Costa Rica, but that'd easily be my first choice if I were looking to move and wanted to stay at least relatively close to the US.
  13. I've always loved that Chip is just himself for better or for worse. He's true to his personality, and it's made him one of the most innovative and schematically-curious coaches we've ever seen. Idk much about UCLA's recruiting, but I hope he does well going forward.
  14. She'll win the CA senate race in two years to succeed Feinstein.
  15. I think a majority of those on here agree with you. Unfortunately there are currently no easy answers for who should run in his place atm. If the economy is in bad shape in summer/fall '24, then we're getting President DeSantis regardless of who the Dem candidate is.
  16. I look forward to the Bruins coming to Piscataway in the future. Hopefully Chip is still there by the time that happens.
  17. Rufo and Hillsdale are succeeding in accomplishing their goal of fomenting the anxieties of middle class Americans into the rise of charter schools. In their eyes, the founders were just kind men who totally felt awful about owning black slaves and were definitely going to free them someday. It's totally a coincidence that they seem to have omitted all of the wicked acts committed against Frederick Douglass in their presentation, yet they espouse his Fourth of July speech. I wonder why?
  18. What could've been...
  19. You’re aware that LKY brutally cracked down on Leftists and union sympathizers, right? Singapore, FiS, and Fidesz have engaged in anti-LGBT rhetoric for years because they want those who belong to that group to feel ostracized and submit to the traditional family values within each of their respective cultures. The main point of illiberal states is to force an artificial national identity by demonizing groups that don’t perfectly fit within whichever variant of natural law they adhere to.
  20. Right, but authoritarian rule is just as bad as fascist rule (especially for its targeted groups). Again, your list means nothing to anyone on here because it’s developed by your brain.
  21. Each of those three forms of government can only be implemented by an authoritarian, so your complaints about quibbling are stupid. Of course you are also stupid so this makes sense. I still can’t believe you’ve let a dork like Vermeule influence your thoughts lol
  22. Tbh I missed Iowa because I just assumed Grassley had a safe path to victory there. Speaking of the Governor, do you think she’s DeSantis’ number one pick for VP in two years?
  23. I’m generally a pessimist when it comes to the DNC’s ability to hammer rhetoric, but I’m happy to be proven wrong. The onus is now on the party to communicate that rhetoric to each candidate’s campaign. I’m also gay, so yes the only anger I’ve heard from women in my life has come from friends. We also have to face the reality that most of this anger people like us hear day to day is coming from women (and men secondarily) who are solidly middle class and up. I’ve said the Dems will do fine in Senate races, but the House races are currently mysterious at best.
  24. https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/a-sobering-view-of-high-fuel-prices-green-energy-and-bidens-plans-to-help-europe Imperfect article, but essentially the transition to renewable energy is rocky and Russia’s invasion has complicated things. Again, it’s not all on Biden’s admin, but the swing voters just care about prices and he doesn’t inspire confidence in the lay public.
  25. Everyone you listed sucks, but specifically you’ve been duped by Vermeule and Ahmari. Those two guys are just social strivers who espouse Integralism because it makes them edgy in their little DC bubble. The only true intellectual of the new Right is BAP, and he disregards religious thought in general because his main influences were Nietzsche, Strauss, and the pre-Socratics. Of course he still desires authoritarian rule, so he begrudgingly has allied with the aforementioned frauds as well as their peers like Moldbug.
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