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George Clooney

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Posts posted by George Clooney

  1. 6 minutes ago, George Clooney said:

    NC State has developed some outstanding G/C prospects in recent years. Doeren probably would’ve moved on from them by now if he weren’t so dull.

    To add to this, I think this guy has a good shot at transferring to Rutgers. His HS school coach, Augie Hoffmann, is now on the staff and Schiano is actively using the portal to upgrade the talent level at every position.

  2. It’s probably not the case here, but it certainly doesn’t help UT recruiting that the program isn’t accommodating to scouts. I need to find the article again, but it seems like UT has pretty rigid rules for scout visitation and limited availability to watch players practice.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    lol, wow. i'm "driven insane" by Rick Barnes' lack of accomplishments pre-Texas, specifically in comparison to Kevin Willis' jaw dropping career thus far at Iona and Seton Hall. yeah, that's the ticket. 

    funny how often this happens on here. one day i'm actually posting about how Rick Barnes' record before Texas didn't scream "hire me"(see here), the next day some guy is butthurtedly telling me that i feel otherwise, all because his own dumb take is so dumb. 

    I apologize for not memorizing each one of your 10,841 posts. It's strange how the most successful coach in UT basketball history wasn't up to your standards when he was hired. It's almost like your opinion on this means very little.

    Also, Buzz Williams would never leave A&M for Texas. After this year, Willard will have a better resume than Wojo at Marquette. I guess down-on-his-luck Kevin will just stay in Jersey and continue to run a program superior to UT's. Hell, Steve Pikiell will have Rutgers in a better place than UT for the foreseeable future.

  4. Sure, but I don't care enough to comb through tens of pages of your pots to find those names. You seem confident about these people, so I'm sure thinking of three would be no trouble. Also, Kevin Willard has done better in the past five years than Rick Barnes ever did at Providence and Clemson. He's going to win the Big East this year, while Barnes never finished higher than 4th in either the Big East or ACC.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    check the record- i don't give 1/10 of a shit about tourney success as the rest of you do. it's mostly a crap shoot for the first two weekends, and then it's the same group of characters left at he end. Freaking Tom Izzo hasn't won the NCAA Tournament in 20 years despite being the fucking man. meanwhile the list of tourney winners over that time remains a "who's who" of college basketball coaches, with only one real outlier. its a small-ish group of legendary coaches and then randomly Kevin Ollie. We aren't hiring anyone who has actually won the thing, and therefore i don't care about a coach's tourney record so long as it isn't flat out awful. because as long as Texas is competitive in the Big XII and in the tourney on a near-annual basis then everyone should be happy.

    Ive been posting the names of potential candidates who i'd like to see considered for years here, to the point where any regular poster should probably be able to quote it name by name. I eve started a thread about it not too long ago. yet now i've got some Rutgers fan in here incredulously asking me for my crazy, fantastical, unattainable list of candidates who are more qualified than Millard Fillmore, or whoever the guy is. Gee, I dunno (flips through phone book and lands on random page). Almost anyone?

    So you know who the potential candidates are, but can't take a minute to list them? Strange. Go tell any college basketball fan around the country that Texas is too good for scrub coaches like Kevin Willard, and they'll laugh at you.

    By the way, John Beilein wants nothing to do with Texas.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    He's been a D-1 head coach for 12 years and he's never even finished 2nd in his conference. He's 1-3 in the NCAA tournament. He has a .562 career winning %. He's nowhere near qualified for the job, no more so than that awesome UNT suggestion up the page. This is the basketball equivalent of the Westlake goofballs seriously suggesting that UT hire Westlake's coaches. It's a joke.

    I get that he hasn't hard tournament success so far, but he's still just 44 and is growing as a coach. I really want to know who you think deserves to be UT's next coach. He has to have already had tournament success while also being attainable.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

    Kevin Willard is nowhere near our list of candidates. Hiring Kevin Willard would be just as dumb and ineffectual as hiring Shaka. This is like when icono suggested that we replace Rick Barnes with Fran Dunphy, simply because he (icono) is from Philly. I have to assume that you have some connection to Willard and/or Seton Hall, because why the fuck else would you make such a lazy and stupid suggestion? 

    You aren't alone, btw. People keep doing this shit every so often. Some guy who never posts here pops in and says, "What about this young, unproven coach who is finally doing pretty well at (random school that's nowhere near the import/stature/pressure of Texas job)? Why don't we go get him?" Because he's less proven than Shaka? Fucking Christ, do you work at Bellmont? Do you even give a shit if Texas basketball is good? Your idea is bad and you should feel bad. 

    I'm first and foremost a Rutgers fan, so naturally I pay attention to basketball in Jersey. Also, you're overestimating the stature and importance of the Texas basketball job compared to that of Seton Hall. They have very high expectations there (though not quite as high as UT's). 

    I understand you wanting someone with more success, but who do you think Texas could actually pull according to your criteria? If I just go down the kenpom rankings and don't stop until I find someone reasonably attainable who meets your expectations, Dana Altman is the first stop. I'm not sure he's even attainable though, so I guess Musselman is the next stop. Arkansas would fight hard for him, and I think they'd win out. 

    It'll be fun to watch Rutgers play in the tournament while Texas sits at home. I guess you don't care though because Steve Pikiell is just some plucky, unproven coach with less success than Shaka so far. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, closetojumping said:

    I really like the work that Banner Society is doing. I'm sure they'll partner with James Hale or something and cause me to move on from following them at some point because, hey, that's the trend for me in sports these days, but until then, I dig their work.

    Thoughts from reading this article and thinking about the sport and recruiting in general

    -Michigan State should hire Fickell. He's recruiting above his level at Cincinnati. He was a disappointment in his interim HC role at Ohio State, but he was young and that was a weird circumstance. He's built a solid program at Cincinnati and he's recruiting like a middle of the road P5 program. He's a non-basketball smuggling Gary Patterson of the north. 

    -I wonder if Hugh Freeze is cheating with impunity at Liberty?

    -Georgia Tech might actually develop a heartbeat again. Paul Johnson was a schematic witch, but he buried that program's ability to recruit in the middle of the most talent-rich region of the country. It was always something I viewed as stupid, and I realize that they have higher academic standards and only 1 female to every 4 males on campus. Still, they should be a highly competitive team in the ACC and regularly getting guys that schools like Clemson, Florida, Georgia and Virginia would also want. I'm not talking about the typical dumbasses that are being paid to go to Bama, Auburn, Georgia, Tennessee and LSU. I'm talking about those that give a shit about academics every year and have parents giving them good advice about their future. 

    -Despite Purdue looking like shit in 2019, I do think Brohm is building a strong and talented roster. 

    -Fleck at Minnesota continues to recruit above the standard fighting weight for the golden gophers. I know folks like to mock him, but he continues to prove himself out as one of the up and coming stars in the profession. I would take him over Matt Campbell, Tom Herman, Klieman, Wells, Miles, Gundy, Brown, Aranda, and Patterson right now.

    -To the prior point's topic - The Big 10 has a stellar roster of mostly young and talented head coaches. That will translate in the next decade on the field and in the CFP. There's Lovie Smith (61), Greg Schiano (53), Kirk Ferentz (64), Mike Locksley (50) (also a fucktard with a solid history of failure that I don't expect to change), Tom Allen (49), Jeff Brohm (48), PJ Fleck (39), Scott Frost (45), Jim Harbaugh (56), Ryan Day (40, about to be 41, also @SydneyCarton believes this guy to be a child molester fwiw), if Michigan State hires Luke Fickell (46), James Franklin (48), Paul Chryst (54), and Pat Fitzgerald (45). 8 (probably) guys under 50. There is one guy on that list that someone can credibly argue is on the hot seat - Lovie Smith. Barring scandal or illness, every other coach on this list and whoever MSU hires will be around for at least another 3 years. That's a lot of stability and further program-building. 

    -Now consider the recent and ongoing turmoil in the Pac 12. CU, Wazzou and WU have all replaced coaches within the last 14 months. The Big 10 actually has 5 programs fitting this as well, but contrast the hires. Edwards, Cristobal, Sumlin, Kelly, and Jonathan Smith have all only been at their schools for 2 seasons. Wilcox is one of the more tenured coaches with a 3 year run at Cal. Helton is a dead man walking. Shaw's reign at Stanford doesn't have a positive outlook and they'll wait way too long to replace him if he continues to falter. Whittingham at Utah is fine. Overall, it is a very grim lot in terms of performance, experience, talent, and prospects. Cristobal is an imbecile and a dirty fucking shithead, but he could very well run roughshod over the conference for the next decade. It's a very bad situation when the hopes of someone else rivaling a fucktard like west coach Orgeron reside in the hands of Herman fucking Edwards and whoever USC does or does not manage to fuck up hiring. 

    -Not a strong transition class at FSU by their standards.




    I agree on Fickell wholeheartedly; MSU needs to do whatever it takes to get him. I think it's still too early to tell if Geoff Collins is actually a good coach, but the potential for GT is certainly there. I really like Fleck too, and it'll be interesting to see what they do this year. 

    As for the B1G as a whole, there are tons of interesting storylines. Can James Franklin take Penn State to the next level? Will anyone in the West unseat Wisconsin as the best program on that side? Can Schiano rebuild from the ash left by Ash? I'm biased, but I trust Schiano to slowly build up RU football again. 

    The Pac 12 is a strange conference, and it's tough to tell which teams will be the main challengers to Oregon in a few years. I think Mel Tucker at CU is a great fit, and I think they could give A&M a scare in 2021 in Boulder. It's tough to project UW because while Jimmy Lake is a defensive mastermind, he made a terrible OC hire in John Donovan. 

  9. He went to HS close to Rutgers, and us delusional Rutgers fans thought he would end up in Piscataway early on in his HS career. In my opinion, he was always going to be a guy who didn't make an immediate impact because he was pretty raw. However, he just didn't look good at PSU whatsoever. Maybe there was something off the field affecting him, but I think he was and still is overrated.

  10. 8 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    So, our Evans suspicions are confirmed, as far as I'm concerned. Georgia just got tired of his fucking shit. He's about the biggest prima donna anyone can remember. Bama and Texas got out of that one and started looking elsewhere a lot earlier than anyone else. 

    Apparently, Evans is dealing with Buck Fitzgerald, who has a history of funneling guys to LSU, among other places, and occasionally to ATM. He's out Tennessee, played on their national title team in '98, and is a handler/street agent. He's running Reggie Grimes in this cycle as well. Anyway, no clue how a guy at North Shore gets connected to this dude, but it was probably someone with one of the programs directing him into friendly hands for their purposes. No clue is LSU is still interested, but the North Shore staff has zero positive things to say about Evans and they are tight with LSU. One of the NS coaches is also a pretty good friend of UT. Evans has not been a secret to any of these schools. Some are just either more desperate (ATM, Ole Miss) or have a higher appetite for this kind of risk (UGa, Florida). 

    The Buck Fitzgerald guy is not a good guy for a program like Texas, pre-redirect with the Jay Valai Maneuver. He has a sweet About Us page on his company site if you go check it out. Really well done job there. 

    Oh so he’s the head of NPA, a group I’m sure Jeremy Pruitt wants to essentially control. I’m surprised Tennessee never made headway with Evans because it seems like a natural fit.

  11. 28 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    Listen, I hope you’re correct, but Auburn loses almost the entire OL and almost the whole secondary. 13 starters gone in total. That’s a lot to replace. 

    Their OL losses are definitely a concern for them, but Steele rotates players heavily throughout their defense in all game situations. Auburn really needs Bo Nix to improve heavily so their receivers can actually take advantage of their talent. Also, they'll likely start all redshirt juniors or JUCO guys on the OL to replace their starters (who actually didn't block as well as their experience indicates). It'll be interesting to see what Chad Morris can do with their offense. I think their biggest issue is the DL losses since they can't really replace Derrick Brown or Marlon Davidson.


    Cristobal is getting some of their standout players to stay, and they have tons of talented underclassmen behind them. They won't win the national title next year, but I think they will eventually as long as Mario stays there long-term.

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