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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Just keep it close enough for Ryan Day to start getting in his own head and have the band play The Victors.
  2. Chukar. Game bird native to I think the middle east? They've got established introduced populations out west. This was probably released locally for hunting.
  3. The only deadly sin I will be guilty of today is envy of those experiencing sloth and gluttony, as I struggle to follow the game while in charge of two kids under 3.
  4. So today has to be a record-setter, right? Forecast to hit 89 in Round Rock. Cool...
  5. I led an Audubon walk in Round Rock today, one of my first birding trips unencumbered by a child since having our 2nd back in October. We saw/heard 31 species over a couple hours with a group of about 12. We didn't encounter anything that unexpected for this time of year, but had good looks at a red-shouldered hawk, spotted towhee (sparrows seem very scarce this winter), plenty of cedar waxwings, crested caracara and a pair of golden-crowned kinglets that can be hard to come across some years.
  6. My wife will be working on 1/1. Which means I will have my first opportunity to watch the 2.5 year-old and 3 month-old by myself, while also attempting to watch the playoff game. Considering the toddler's favorite activity currently is to fuck shit up and try to get himself hurt, I foresee this going great.
  7. Our 2 1/2 year old watching Moana in a scene where she's upset... "Moana sad. Want hug." "That's nice of you, big guy." "She pretty. I want kiss Moana." "Hahaha oh, ok. We're at this stage already."
  8. I've been a sucker for Williams and Zimmer since my middle school band days 2 decades ago.
  9. Hans Zimmer on 1/31 at Moody. Anyone been to one of his shows?
  10. Katy was wolf country a century ago. Now its... Katy. Still some decent chunks of remnant prairie out there though.
  11. It seems unlikely in the late 20th and early 21st century that a jaguar, much less a melanistic one is wandering through Texas. And if melananistic mountain lions existed, I would think there would be some photographic evidence of that. I believe that's what 956W is stating, and I tend to agree. Also, people are really dumb when it comes to wildlife sightings.
  12. If you, or someone you live with, is not white, smaller cities in the US are not for you. I was forced to give them a chance and it took all of a month before we had racist vandalism on our car, driveway, mailbox. Small town America can eat a dick.
  13. I don't think my wife is going to be deported. But I'm not sure what the fuck is going to happen, and it's absurd that it's even a question. Also, I'm sure there are foreign adoptees whose citizenship status is less clear. Just an angle of this thing that I haven't seen or heard discussed anywhere.
  14. I guess if your knee is 100% fucked, you can't fuck it up anymore.
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