Had Thanksgiving with the wife and young kids, sister + BIL and parents on Saturday.
In a shocking moment of clarity, the parents purposely showed up an hour after my sister and BIL, so election venting could be performed in their absence.
The 2 year-old finally interacted significantly with my sister, who I know was feeling insecure about him previously being anywhere from indifferent to fearful of her. The newborn slept basically the entire time. We cooked most of the appetizers and deserts ahead of time, leaving my dad to do the bird while we supervised children.
Pretty uneventful, other than the turkey setting the fire alarm off twice while my wife struggled to get the toddler down for a nap.
Just the immediate family today. I'm about to go pick up some Peking duck, but currently watching the toddler walk laps around the house using his fake Dyson while working on potty training.