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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hookem2010

  1. So you're saying putting all the power of electing statewide officials in the hands of the 7% of Texans who live west of the 35 corridor is a bad thing?
  2. We have way surpassed House of Cards. Veep is less absurd than our current situation. Idiocracy is one choice, but we are reaching South Park levels of nonsensical.
  3. No, it didn't. And of course it does. An elderly narcissist is trying to pretend like he cares about anything other than himself while sprinkling in the hits for his base.
  4. I haven't been paying too close of attention, but Trump's speech has been pretty boring, honestly.
  5. PT Barnum was about 180 years too early. These are the real freaks.
  6. Icono/Macklemore playing the super long con. He's had to say truly despicable things to get us all to buy the bit, but this can no longer be a real person, right?
  7. It's been a minute, but I feel like I took something different from that book. Primarily that social and governmental configurations could be fluid within a society, and that often these "kingdoms" were ruled by someone who often only had the power to directly affect those in their immediate sphere. So people could just kind of move away a bit. Not nearly the level of power one would generally think of with a king. And, at least in the plains tribes, I don't believe chiefs had a whole lot of power to coerce their tribespeople to do anything they didn't want to do l.
  8. To bring up the point earlier about some of the top candidates potentially not wanting to take the VP position due to the desire to become President... 1) I know politicians are ambitious creatures, but if Shapiro or Whitmer were deemed the most likely to help carry a swing state (I honestly don't know enough to say), but sure would be nice if they'd set that aside for the sake of the country. 2) 4 straight D terms may be unlikely, but those two in particular would still only be in their late 50's/early 60's come 2032, when they would likely be as well positioned as anyone to get the nod (this assumes 2 full Kamala terms OR R getting elected in '28).
  9. I'm going to allow myself some optimism for the first time in weeks (months?) and imagine the Democrats Case McCoy'ing their way across the finish line. Another November miracle by an unsuspected savior!
  10. I believe the talk has all been about Shapiro as VP, Kamala at the top of the ticket.
  11. Can I find the opportunity to use apotheosis in a sentence today?
  12. I don't avoid the fact that these slip-ups exist (*cough*like R's*cough*), but I can't watch them. It's like watching Michael Scott's cringiest moments. And if I solid D voter like me can't handle watching him speak, I don't know how you keep throwing him out there and expect him to gain any ground.
  13. Correct. All those years of higher learning and I can't even pose a simple hypothetical.
  14. Yea, Warren was my favorite candidate last cycle. Didn't really understand why she couldn't gain any momentum.
  15. I guess there have been a few. But this would potentially be 3 consecutive presidents without any serving two consecutive terms. I really jacked up my question. Apologies
  16. I'm too lazy to look, but if the D's end up nominating someone else, how often in our history have we had 3 different presidents elected in 3 consecutive elections?
  17. I worked at Hamilton Pool for a while, fortunately while the pool was closed for swimming. Drownings were nearly annual there before, and no more than about 100 people can swim there each day. It's insane to me that poor swimmers, or parents of poor swimmer, take no steps to avoid such things.
  18. I play reasonably close attention, but didn't know about Wes Moore until this week and was only peripherally aware of Shapiro but couldn't point him out of a lineup. I'm team anyone but Trump (or any R), for what it's worth.
  19. Perhaps we should start caring, seeing as the two presidential candidates are 80 year-old men. One who occasionally appears to be sundowning and the other who brags about passing neurologic exams and subsists on McDonalds.
  20. I went to Lassen in June a few years ago. Didn't get to see any of the geothermal features, but it was still a fantastic, uncrowded trip. Highly recommend.
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