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General Colt

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Everything posted by General Colt

  1. If he did say that about Sark, he's a scumbag piece of shit.
  2. It is very haunting. It fits perfectly with the movie's themes of loneliness and despair.
  3. At least we don't have to host aggy this year.
  4. I can't hear a word they're saying. . .
  5. What a dumb ass. He doesn't even know his own gang hand sign.
  6. It looks pretty good, but I'm old school too. I always liked these blues the best.
  7. Beat me to it. My favorite episode is when Colin Quinn is playing Robert Deniro, and the real Joe Pesci and Robert Deniro appear on the show unexpectedly, brandishing baseball bats. Classic stuff.
  8. That's the timeframe when UT football players earned a reputation as "soft." Before that, UT had always been known for its toughness, even during the down times. There was anecdotal evidence that NFL teams were wary of drafting Longhorns athletes because of this perceived lack of mental and physical toughness. It's a shame, because the potential was there for a dynasty run. We were early proponents of the zone-read offense, before Mack freaked out and switched to the Bama offense in a rash CYA move.
  9. Perhaps "mailing it in" was a bit hyperbolic, but I expected Texas to be primed for a run like Saban had at Alabama. Yet we had a subpar O line, and Colt was pretty much the running game after Jamal Charles graduated. We were close We had all the momentum, but we went out not with bang, but with a whimper. Mack did a lot of good for UT, but there was a lot of downside to his regime as well. I agree 2008 and 2009 were good years.
  10. Mack struck gold with Colt McCoy, who deserves most of the credit for those years. Mack was still pretty much coasting during that time, IMO.
  11. Yep. I thought that VY championship would be the beginning of a great run at UT, but Mack put his feet up and mailed it in. He was satisfied with that one title. After that, he was just stealing Texas' money.
  12. Pac at Nite
  13. I hear you, man. I now have an irrational hatred of the Tennessee Titans. It just sticks in my craw that Earl Campbell's NFL career is now considered a part of their history. What a crock of shit.
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