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  1. For me it was right around the time of the horseless buggy
  2. You never had a case of instructions unclear: inserted into rectum?
  3. Brother when was war ever about anything but self interest and power? Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan- these conflicts and many others destroyed the illusion for a lot of people that we are ‘good’ fighting against ‘evil’. P.s. I can’t believe north korean threats still get news coverage the norks have been on verge of invading the south for as long as I can remember.
  4. Maybe there’s a chance his mind will end up in a computer and he can run the team forever! Maybe Jerry will freeze himself and get revived too. Hot damn the future is bright
  5. I went in cloak room once and two weeks later the doctors found concentrated AIDS in my ass draw your own conclusions
  6. Dont worry friend when jerr is dead you get 40 years of jerr 2.0
  7. Texags already sending thoughts and prayers toward this end
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