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Certifiably Surly
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About Hefeweizen

  • Birthday January 1


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    Fuck you.

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  1. Don’t worry, after move fast and break things we’ll get MVP for government services. Look up “minimum viable product” and that’s their target.
  2. Chatting about this today. I wonder whether the homebuilder side or the in house mortgage originator is buying down the difference. Because someone is buying it. Wondering how long that is tenable in the current rate market.
  3. Anaphylaxis brain broke.
  4. Need a barf emoji right now.
  5. I’ll contribute: TJ boxes of Cabernet are actually pretty good!
  6. Davila Harris is a fuckwad. Regardless of party affiliation. Useless.
  7. My grandfather was a combat engineer in the first special service force. Small world…
  8. California still has more wealth coming in. Don’t be fooled by who is leaving California. It’s not all tech bros going to Celina and Katy.
  9. You might be right, but I’d just as soon pass on that work as do it for the reduced price. One of the benefits of working for private and public clients. I knew multi family had been there but I don’t touch those projects. It is the first clear sign to me that there is real fear that they are having to reduce prices further than just buying down mortgage rates and throw in extra incentives. I also know a couple of developers who are really slowing down new lot delivery because builders willingness to pay top dollar per front foot is dropping.
  10. I can tell you one of the big home builders is telling all their vendors to bend over and reduce prices right now. Because I just told them to fuck off on a proposal they sent me back with redlines. Times are about to get real fucking interesting.
  11. I’m not sure I agree with your detective work there.
  12. You already went CR dude. But that’s ok because macroeconomics is woke.
  13. Everyone in California is sick of Gavin’s shit. Go away douchenozzle.
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