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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Yeah Bond, Golden, and Moore is pretty stacked.
  2. I hope they fucking commit to the run game in the second half. That was pathetic.
  3. lol Dumas. Really you’re going to try to pass now?
  4. Looked like front of the knee. Let’s hope it’s nothing serious.
  5. Yeah their explosive diarrhea nasty.
  6. That’s the way to end the half. Make Cook carry Moores laundry for him.
  7. That’s what worries me. Very casual about a 4 point game.
  8. Texas offense reading its press clippings. Easy drops like that will kill your chances.
  9. Yeah the call was fine. Poor run and bad ball security.
  10. Blue doesn’t seem like he should starts. I like Gibson better.
  11. Petition to change the title to FW:FW:FW: Longhorn Fans embarrassing the rest of us
  12. First time? Adult ADD is awesome.
  13. Great choices… I would throw in the Gay Place and Goodbye to a River for Texas books.
  14. Hefeweizen

    Getting old sucks

    I can’t really do red meat for dinner anymore. Can’t sleep well and feel off the next day. I also have to limit smoked meat. It really sucks getting old in some ways.
  15. White no college is the least surprising demo for turnip every time.
  16. oU may suck. That was a pretty good throw.
  17. That guy is on his fifth college career😬?
  18. Fuck man, feels like work. I’ll just have to watch highlights.
  19. Both teams look like they overate at the cock buffet.
  20. Ok I’m a stupid and slightly drunk. I am a tree fiddy cheapskate. How does that allow me to watch?
  21. Thanks man I’m in the shores, all good. I am enjoying some California red watching this game and life is good. Pretty good buzz going right now.
  22. Sitting in La Jolla California about to watch this shit because the UT game is not on. Meat chicken wining was good, now Tennessee can rip the schooner up.
  23. Polydactyl should be a protected class!
  24. Sheeeit we’re all getting old. Serious answer, figure out your home stuff first. You may not want to move if you split with your wife. Can you buy out your partner? Do you want to? I know someone like Greater Austin would kill for a concrete guy who knows his stuff. There are not enough to go around. But having been an owner could you be an employee? It’s a completely different situation and mentality. Good luck man, lots of tough decisions ahead.
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