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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Williams will be fine. He’s hyped to fuck up Michigan.
  2. Sorry your pussy hurts. Maybe you should play defense for Michigan.
  3. Neg on principle when someone pimps the SEC.
  4. This is very gruntling. Both Wisner and Gibson look good!
  5. Fuck Tom Brady.
  6. James Bond looking good.
  7. Username definitely checks out.
  8. They’re wondering how they can monetize this?
  9. You can argue she’s done more with less game than most. Her serve is terrible, ground strokes are good but really not able to finish someone. She would outlast most, and really benefited from Ash Barty quitting when she did. I still think Aryna is the favorite but would be cool if JPeg could win a slam.
  10. Russia is asshole, example number ten billion.
  11. I thought it was a little ponderous. Whereas The Wager was fantastic. May have been subject matter for me, as any sort of misadventure on the high seas is fun to read.
  12. It really is fantastic. My personal favorite is the Log from the Sea of Cortez, but you’re looking for a shorter, very different read, Cannery Row is worth it, as is its sequel Sweet Thursday, which isn’t quite as brilliant but still pretty pretty good. Steinbeck is my favorite American writer, but I’m biased as I live a stones throw from his old house in pacific grove.
  13. Do not check on your investment portfolio today. I made that mistake just now. Furk.
  14. Ultimate sooper genius seems like he fucks. Farm animals!
  15. My nephew is at Michigan. I hope we crush his soul as he watches Jerrick Gibson and Niblett in the fourth quarter with Arch throwing the ball to Juan Davis.
  16. All I know is if we’re relying on a biker gang renowned for lawlessness and violence for our protection we’re pretty fucked. I would recommend all those Colorado people move to Texas where it’s much safer.
  17. I’ll admit I didn’t watch any of the aggy game, so can someone tell me whether this was the O line sucking and getting Weigman killed or was he just dogshit? Or both? I knew they were fucked when I saw that stupid magician segment yesterday morning in passing.
  18. Who the fuck are these no name talent less announcers? It is worse than high school commentary.
  19. Was that ten minutes ago?
  20. James Bond is pretty pretty good.
  21. Bad bad throw into triple coverage. Thanks
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