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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Yeah for the record I want to see the Chechechen TikTok brigade in battle. Live. On TikTok. With comments.
  2. There is absolutely no chance this is fake. It’s been happening in slow motion for a while since Bakhmut. Wagner is finished either way after Ukraine, so Prigozhin sees this as his last chance. And the amount of private planes headed to Turkey from Russia tells you this is real.
  3. Do you buy 10 dollar bananas? If not how could you relate?
  4. First sunshine we’ve had in many weeks yesterday, it was glorious. Today just as nice but I’m working. I think the high may get to 65.
  5. Yes for bacteria passive filters work. But for troops on the move, and for non central distribution I think bottles will be needed. The bigger issue is time. A full on epidemic can happen quickly if sewage contaminated water is drunk.
  6. Well said fellow connoisseur of feces and filters.
  7. Yes except the bacteria can’t tell Russians from Ukrainians. So hopefully there is a plan for interim water supply as the Russians retreat, but more likely there is going to be some widespread shitty disease for a while.
  8. The thing about cholera and other water borne diseases is once they start spreading it’s really hard to stop them. It requires a concerted and deliberate cleanup with delivery of clean water and sanitation improvements which are tough to accomplish in peace time. Given the Russians lack of any rear echelon organization this could get ugly fast.
  9. I miss some things from my 30 plus years in Texas but summer heat isn’t one.
  10. Seriously that should be prosecutable. How the hell can you do that on debt? I guess it’s true that if you owe the bank a few thousand you have problems but if you owe them 300 million they have the problem.
  11. Eggs dropped by their largest percentage since 1991, because OEEC didn’t impose reductions in their egg cartel production.
  12. Stonk life baby. If it goes to 30 cents I’ll buy another 5000 shares. I can’t put baller money in any of this. That goes to pay college tuition.
  13. $20K seems high to resurface right? I haven't started getting quotes so maybe not. Not sure what modernizing the drain means. 20k doesn’t seem too high, depending on the new material. Especially one with pebble finish. If it’s just regular plaster it’s too high. I miss my pools. Especially as summer begins. Nothing beats that first swim in the scorching heat.
  14. Sold at 43 cents, will re enter at around 30. Amy. That slut. IBRX is a puzzle. Holding a lot at about a 1.50 basis. Trying to decide whether to buy more.
  15. I think the wordle today was in honor of the final play of that super regional.
  16. Yeah until rent subsides it’s going to stay high. I see a few markets where rent is dropping YOY and that is going to be interesting. None of these new loans modeled that scenario I bet.
  17. I am glad I’m not the only one thinking Wtf is this shit? And I have doofus on ignore.
  18. I always worry about the guys who think they know the answers… especially in engineering, they’re usually wrong, or at least haven’t explored all the possibilities.
  19. I’m up 60 percent in this iteration of AMY. I will sell if we get to forty cents.
  20. I will miss the following subreddits: \ohlympics \nostalgiafapping \askhistorians \montereybay \10s \patientgamers And that’s about it. Tennis porn and games.
  21. I quit using Reddit, the website sucks and third party apps are the only way to make it usable. It joined Twitter in being deleted from my phone which frees up more time that I used to waste.
  22. Engineering and surveying. Throughout the southern part of the country. PE is good if it’s patient money. I have no use for the kind that overpays, thinking they can either split the business up (and resell) or just increase prices to justify the price paid.
  23. We’re always acquiring, and valuations are way more reasonable than during the Rona. Still higher than before 2020 but at least private equity has gotten the fuck out of this space. Those guys Fuck everything up for players in the market just looking to expand. They buy at inflated value without regard to what works in the industry.
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