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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. We’re always acquiring, and valuations are way more reasonable than during the Rona. Still higher than before 2020 but at least private equity has gotten the fuck out of this space. Those guys Fuck everything up for players in the market just looking to expand. They buy at inflated value without regard to what works in the industry.
  2. You mean my contributions never happened? Because that’s what mine looks like. Still needing some lube.
  3. Somehow after losing my ass on it initially I have been swing trading it decently. Such volatility, so much.
  4. He just got to the shire and Bilbo kicked his ass out.
  5. The dam busting bombs in WW2 used by the Brit’s were 4000 kg. That is compared to a 500 kg normal size. Yeah. It was placed explosives on weak points to create a failure. Not shelling which is a ludicrous assertion.
  6. I very strongly view you as stupid or spectacularly uninformed.
  7. Went and watched some videos of the breached flow. That’s a lot of flow. The amount of sediment moving from the reservoir is going to be incredible. The damage is going to unreal downstream on the low bank. I also thought some more about this and the most damage would have been done with explosives in the emergency relief pipes, especially in the wet side because of the basically incompressible nature of water, which means the energy of an explosion can be directed toward the structure.
  8. Engineer here, do design of some small dams from time to time. Demo of a dam is fairly simple if you have access to its base. You just need a breach to start and it will go quickly, because water will find a way through it. Could a single missile do it? Unlikely but a bunker Buster might. On the other hand, planting explosives at the downstream base and in the intake and release structures would certainly do it with minimal chance of not working. The pictures I’ve seen show a narrow breach which indicates no catastrophic structural failure, just a breach. It’s probably still a total rebuild but I don’t see evidence of a huge flood wave resulting from it. I’ll read up some more of it today.
  9. Glad he’s fucking dead and burning in hell. Traitorous scum.
  10. I’d like you to go fuck itself in the face but apparently that’s too much to ask.
  11. OnlyFans got over saturated? Asking for a friend.
  12. Florida is actually a little bit underwhelming. And given the direction of the state vis a vis corporations I suspect that will not change. I see it as continuing to attract wealthy retirees fleeing high personal tax rates but not much else. Their infrastructure sucks and is only going to get worse. None of the natural advantages Texas or California have, plus the wonder of increasingly terrible hurricanes. The one I expect to continue growing is Georgia. A lot more so than its neighbors.
  13. Interdasting. Wonder what the overall trend is, because I thought a lot of smaller and private companies were also relocating due to tax reasons.
  14. This thread has gone so meta I can’t even keep track any more. Visionary, definitely not. Driven and successful, yes, despite his manchild tendencies. Someone who will produce Schadenfreude forever, definitely!
  15. I am not sure that animal cigarette isn’t just a shitty AI . That’s what the simulation is feeding us right now.
  16. I can barely remember my one name. The idea of alts is so exhausting it makes me want to take a nap.
  17. Debt default delayed, now we can go back to Fed watching and decrying all the money that got pumped into egg futures by the brrrt printer. This week stonks are back on the menu, boys!
  18. I wound up getting the Hisense U8H. Just too cheap to spend another 500 bucks and it looks like the main weakness is if you don’t sit in front of it (angled viewing). Time will tell if I made the right choice.
  19. So Ken Paxton will be our next VP, right? Then when the orange king heels over we have president one eye!
  20. Didn’t his dad assassinate Kennedy?
  21. The egg thing is still going on, but surprisingly, Whole Foods had them at about half the price of Safeway/Andronicos. Right now you really can get ripped off at grocery stores and it’s bullshit. So we go to Trader Joe, Costco, WF, or Andronicos alternating weeks to get things at a reasonable price.
  22. I had an “interview” to be hired as a consultant to WCH when they bought the 3M campus. After about 10 minutes at lunch, my partner and I switched to sports talk and finished the food while trying not to laugh. It was clear they had no fucking idea what they were doing. Really scary.
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