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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. The demographic mosk is appealing to unfortunately isn’t one that buys electric cars. In fact they are the ones voting to remove incentives to make them, charge fees to operate them, and want to subsidize their competitors fuel. So if I’m a Tesla shareholder I’m asking myself if things are going the right direction. I think it’s pretty simple. Mosk went from being the Henry Ford of his generation to being the Henry Ford of his generation.
  2. Oh I think the former owners of my house got a lifetime subscription to the WSJ. I get it every day but Sunday and read it maybe once a week. Their editorial page is laugh out loud humor though.
  3. Every time I want to cancel something either my wife or kids say they need it. So I’m continuing to pay for the Disney plus, Netflix, Apple TV, Apple Music, Amazon prime. Fuck my life.
  4. Unfortunately it’s one of the best pieces of legislation the US ever introduced. It’s part of the reason quality of life is so high around water these days. And I battle WOTUS stuff all the time. But it’s good law and creates an healthy conflict for development to fight.
  5. Bump. My Sony Bravia just gave up the ghost after two moves and seven ok years. Not impressed with the longevity but whatever. Looks like LG C2 and Samsung QN90B are the consensus choices on ratings that aren’t going to break the bank, but I have a couple of questions. I have a very bright room so I’ve read OLED may actually not be the best choice. Secondly I’d like something that is fairly simple to start using the Apple TV since my wife needs to be able to turn it on. The old one needed to be turned on separately so I had a universal remote but invariably I’d get a call from her that it wasn’t working. Thoughts?
  6. We’re not defaulting. We are however about to not pay a lot of “discretionary” money. It’s not the same but it’s going to be a shitshow. Debt holders get paid.
  7. And admitted to being a troll. You are one weird dude. Or group of dudes.
  8. Motherfuck. I am there but I don’t know how to close the deal. I feel guilty as shit that I’m leaving all the people I’ve hired out there. I’m down to under a year until it’s official. And yes I’m full time remote. I can’t believe the people who made it work through the past 3 years are now being told it doesn’t work.
  9. I lived in a semi normal HOA in Meridian (by circle C) and it still annoyed me. Westlake Hills was great in that aspect although the neighbors junk annoyed my wife. Since we moved to small town California, it seems like just knowing all the neighbors ensures no bullshit. But I will never live in a MPC again.
  10. Americans: hey they fuck up elections just like us!
  11. Earl, VY, and Nobis for me as absolute freaks. Brian Robison hasn’t been mentioned but he was incredibly athletic. Freak.
  12. You could do what a lot of fine people have done, which is block him. A big burly man came up to me with tears in his eyes saying he’s never been as proud as this.
  13. Can we find Dr. Drunkenstein and have his elixir? That was the original wreath fund as I recall. Pulling for MAC, and pretty cool to read those articles and see the legacy he’s written.
  14. Funny how the russkie apologists have moved out of this thread as even their GRU and FSB crafted lies have eventually been exposed. We’re a few months from seeing Russia collapse at this point, which isn’t going to be great for a lot of reasons, but will hopefully end the war and allow reconstruction to begin.
  15. You’re willing to roll the dice and see what happens when we go full Argentina? It’s not good when a country defaults on its debt. Not zombie apocalypse, no, but a 20 percent economic shock isn’t going to be pretty. What if it’s only 15 percent? Because guess who holds most US debt? Ain’t foreign countries. It’s out government. And third is everyone’s mutual funds. You thought SVB or Lehman was scary? 2008 was a fucking pussycat compared to this tiger.
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