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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Well said. Under all the fun and games of us losing money there is real promise to replace Keytruda for bladder cancer with a clearly superior product and instead the FDA fucks around some more.
  2. Oh shit I’m sorry for making a lame joke that turned into surly sausage party. The good news when it all burns down, my collection of stamps and old coins will finally be worth something again. You wait and see.
  3. Luckily I can be a dipshit by choice. You just come by it naturally.
  4. I would recommend crypto currency. I’ve heard it’s a great hedge against sovereign default.
  5. I actually read the 8k. Looks like they need to resolve the manufacturing process for FDA to approve. As stated up thread it probably means they need a big pharmaceutical to manufacture. FDA loves them some big pharma dick.
  6. Apparently FDA said fuck yo drugs?
  7. The threat of default is good enough for ratings cuts. So pepper your angus.
  8. Congratulations, first of all. Second, start saving a lot of fucking money. ALOT. Because when they’re in college (I have one and another one going next year) it is insane how the money flies out the door.
  9. I’d sue the shit out of them. Or you could do what the other posters suggested but that sounds like work.
  10. From your lips to PSS’s ears!
  11. So now we’re down to hoping the shooters go after someone we don’t like? This is fucking healthy…
  12. Bump. Just ordered one to replace a gaming desktop I gave my son. Any thoughts on games that don’t work on it?
  13. Yeah it would be progress of a sort to have three or four dead kids instead of 9 or 18.
  14. It’s not. Anything but fixing guns is the problem.
  15. Absolutely. I also think when population composition changes and the country is majority minority you’ll see a big push to change gun ownership laws.
  16. I’m not an MD, and not directly affected by this, but I’ll offer an anecdote regarding spinal surgery. Buddy Tipton, who is a damn good orthopedic and spinal doctor, told me twenty plus years ago that he would strongly prefer not to operate on my spine and discs. He said clinical outcomes for the first five years favored surgery, but after that alternative methods including physical therapy and cortisone shots outperformed surgery in otherwise healthy patients. I finally did the surgery, twice, once neurological issues started to manifest in the sciatic nerves. But the point is he was not pushing surgery, he was providing the best possible information using his knowledge and the available clinical data. I have always believed that’s the kind of medical system we want. Cost aside, I think it’s what we have. It should be up to the doctor and patient (and family). I see a lot of other interests trying to get involved here.
  17. This shit just makes me sad. I’m sorry but there is no fucking will in this country to stop murdering children, and until enough kids die that people feel it, we’re fucked. But Bud Light. And woke shit.
  18. It looks like 25 percent of the stock was short. I think this squeeze is going to fuck some assholes up! My 1.69 cost basis is wanting a move running past 10.
  19. IBRX making me feel better about my horrible record since I rode ALPP and HMBL to uncharted heights…
  20. Waiting on a DOE loan from what I can tell. Very speculative right now but that’s how we roll. My basis is 1.68 so I’m in lower than most.
  21. Holy shit that RVPH action. I missed that train. But IBRX just broke through 3 bucks heading to 300 so we’ll be rich soon enough.
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