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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. Sounds like that guy is a real piece of shit human. Sorry about that.
  2. @Patricio Swayze for toothless Houston whores and abandoned buildings.
  3. I want to kick them right in the cunt when they say that. Put it next to natty in words that should never be uttered.
  4. Perineal health is importance. Got to keep that taint clean.
  5. Let’s hope not. I both outkicked my coverage and haven’t screwed it up so far!
  6. Boise kind of looks like a joke. The CFP so far isn’t really justifying a 12 team field. Hell as long as Texas gets to the final who gives a shit.
  7. It’s actually even simpler than that. I wish diversification was my issue. I have a lot tied up in deferred compensation. Over five million. So it is take it or not. I’m not old enough to use diversification at age 55. So it’s not either. I stay with my private stock growing by 25 percent a year or pull the pin.
  8. I am in a really weird situation. Net worth is great and if I pull the pin should be set. But … I have two kids in college and plenty of ongoing expenses and really high income. I think I’d be stupid to give it up despite my inclination to do it. So I think another year is going to happen, not least because my wife is on my case!
  9. Always bet on the money. Leon and the tech bros own the government now.
  10. I’m wrecked. Chocolate crossed the rainbow bridge this morning, he had anemia from blood loss and a tumor that was bleeding internally. Dogs are one of the best things out there but losing a good one hurts terribly.
  11. Fuck, I have a feeling this is going to be a shitty Christmas. I think chocolate just started presenting for a splenic tumor. Will confirm tomorrow with the vet but if it’s the case he can’t get anesthesia and surgery. Fuck my life right now.
  12. Fucking this. Jesus Christ my knees fucking hate me sometimes.
  13. Those eyes! Even though they can’t see now, they’ve seen some shit…
  14. Good morning, it’s 345 in the most beautiful spot on the planet and I’m up with my pup. Merry Christmas and may you wake up to lumps of coal in your stockings.
  15. It’s been a while. We got chocolate back from the precipice. He’s living his life but I have to admit the stress of caring for him is getting to me. He can’t have another seizure at this point. But he’s my best friend and I’ll never give up on him.
  16. Watched as a family. Wife hated it, kids enjoyed it, I thought it was boring except Krampus slaps.
  17. Klubnik playing out of his mind. Between that and the holding, plus Moore being great, not much more to it.
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