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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. My brother and my dad in Rio were pretty surprised by this, whereas no one was surprised by 1/6 here really. Yeah I think this means bolzo ain’t going back. There is a lot of scar tissue around Lula but no one thinks he didn’t win the election. The surprise was that it was close.
  2. Sovereign debt default sounds like a great response to the pandemic. Let’s become Argentina.
  3. I’m heading to TJ shortly. My wife is addicted to deez nuts. Also I am going to get that jalapeño sauce because we can’t find good salsa or even the right peppers to make it out here. Their Swiss chocolate with hazelnuts is pretty awesome.
  4. Why quote low effort troll posts? Dark Brandon would just take his ice cream cone and lick it.
  5. Just glad this is all due to Both Sides!! Keep shooting yourselves in the dick, USA. The writing is on the wall, we’re in the late stages of the end of this experiment. Because if the US defaults on its debt it’s game over.
  6. I just want to see how strongly worded it is. For research purposes.
  7. Probably his office banker telling him he’s going to be a poor if he doesn’t stop driving Tesla off the Cliff using his Twitter account. The finding out part of the game seems a lot less fun than the fucking around part.
  8. It’s anus preparation time today. 75 mph winds predicted. Radar below. Pineapple Express incoming. They like weird names for storm events out here.
  9. Awww sheeit. I just read this whole thing. Sad when internet shit turns real sour.
  10. Don’t derail the shitshow, please.
  11. Sorry I wasn’t more clear. I didn’t renew once it came to term. The price was going to go up a lot, fucking actuaries!
  12. I let my term life expire once I had enough saved and invested for the family if I kick the bucket. Other than that throw my body in the dumpster or the ocean. My real fear is dementia or something similar. Just going to buy a boat and start sailing west if that happens.
  13. No that’s just you. Surly is for the 0.5 percent
  14. Worst year since 2008 for the market. Weird times. I invested heavily from august onwards thinking next year after the first quarter should start to improve. I am less sure of the next 12 months than I’ve been in a long time.
  15. My dad is a lifelong democrat (82 now) and I was a Republican for quite a long time until the bullshit started to wear thin, between Bush invading Iraq and the tea party fakery. What this trend says is that millennials have better bullshit filters than us old.
  16. Hefeweizen

    Pele - RIP

    I met him one time at school. He was still young then (probably late 40s). Superstar. The game is so different today he can’t be compared but his teams were unreal. So much better than the competition it was scary.
  17. It’s word salad. The guy is literally just a walking tweet compilation of the dumbest stuff I’ve read online.
  18. Yeah I think surly may be a poor choice for someone who has problems with GenX. There are a lot of us assholes here.
  19. He’s embracing the yolo concept a little too late. Maybe he can get in on GameStop while he’s at it?
  20. Now. Catch a falling knife, nothing bad can ever happen.
  21. Yeah Michael Burry about to cash in on his big short 2 if he’s still short TSLA. For years shorts were slaughtered but I don’t see this one happening. Headed down past 115 soon.
  22. I always thought southwest sucked but now it’s aggy level ineptitude. Unbelievable. There needs to be accountability at some point for these fuckos.
  23. Got a pair of Julbo sunglasses that are photochromic and used them on a ride yesterday. Fantastic especially when riding from full sun into shadows. My old sunglasses are relegated to driving or walking. I do look like a massive tool in these but I’m sure I look like a tool anyway.
  24. Merry Christmas assholes.
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