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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hefeweizen

  1. I voted speaker because this simulation is so dumb it’ll happen.
  2. I am not getting sucked in! Wait yes I am.
  3. Narrator: of course it will.
  4. Thanks again for the recommendation. Irvines book is great and easy reading. I bought Meditations this morning ( a translation that is recommended was on sale at Amazon) and am stating that next. The best part of stoic philosophy is the way it forces you to face your failings. The parts about enjoying luxury have really caused me to take a hard look at what I spend money on…
  5. He’s a toddler. Just like so many other of our issues coming from having unserious people in charge of things, a guy who has basically ridden the right waves to a paper fortune has bought himself a bully pulpit. Whatever, that’s his right in the US (not in other countries as he’s finding out). What I’m baffled by is the millions out there who think a toddlers thoughts are remotely interesting, much less worth considering. That should be the real issue. And TMI should go crawl back into his troll hole.
  6. Argentina got very lucky with the ref today , he shouldn’t get another match at the WC. And no tears shed for holland. They are kind of turd like too. I’m rooting for Morocco and France. Final of Morocco and Croatia would make me laugh my ass off.
  7. Argentines are fucking puto pinche pendejos. Typical behavior for them.
  8. Lol, you let it get to PK that’s on you. Bra just didn’t deserve it after the 120. They weren’t better today.
  9. Furk i can’t get off a client call right now. Of like them to shut their fuck up (to quote Daniil Medvedev).
  10. I own my hatred of Argentina football. The scheiss argies have always been assholes on the field. The country is fine, a clusterfuck of a place that makes Brazil look well governed but beautiful women and great food. Even if they don’t know what a real churrasco looks like.
  11. Lol all you have to remember is Argentina sucks almost as much as OU.
  12. Yeah fuck my meetings this morning. I’m going to have it on loud. Vamos la e vai tomar no cu Argentina!
  13. Honestly it’s become boring. Kind of like scat shaggy. I only see embedded tweets these days as I dropped the app and don’t really care any more. It’s going to be phony stark fanbois and other weirdos only pretty soon.
  14. I got lucky and knew what i was doing. I went up 2.5 times in 5 years and sold at the top. I bought high in Cali but this is such a constrained market (completely mature) that prices don’t change. I still think the price on lower cost homes can’t go down that much. I just don’t see 200k starter homes in central Texas again. It costs 40k to build the lot. If the land under it is 15k and you have 15 in profit to the developer, that’s 70 to 75 to the builder. Which means that they have to build a 2000 sq ft house for under 100 per square to make any money at 300, and at 50 per square at 200 which is impossible. Get used to the idea of a 275k starter home.
  15. I was spitballing. What else would explain a price decrease except reduced demand? Unless secret Russian oil at 60 bucks price cap is flooding the market.
  16. Lol. Demand destruction moose out front should have told ya. I think 70s is still pretty viable right? How low before ski boats and F250s are going to consignment shops?
  17. The biggest diver is Neymar. And I’m Brazilian. But the biggest bitches are Uruguay closely followed by Argentina. Spain comes in far behind, led by Portugal. Someone is butt hurt about Spain winning a WC. Personally I thought it was pretty cool. I like new countries joining the winners club.
  18. I’ll have some of that good shit please!
  19. Fight the good fight, because what is the alternative? I’m happy that you came out the other end of your surgery and hope to continue hearing about your success fighting cancer.
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