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  1. Is anyone here a pool builder? I have a couple of questions I would like to run by you if so. Thanks in advance.
  2. No such thing in Napa! Head north to Oregon.
  3. Saw some recommendations for these up thread! Highly recommend!
  4. Look into bullheading your meter if you have a bunch of irrigation for landscaping or auto pool top off.
  5. Found a workaround this afternoon. Apparently you can register the vehicle when it's out of state under the premise when it returns you will get it inspected. They just want our money! Problem solved
  6. I have a vehicle that is currently out of state that the registration expired in May. It will be there for another two months. I'm needing go get an inspection in order to renew the registration. Surely someone has figured out a way to get this done virtually or on a facetime call. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. milkman


    Roulot [emoji91]
  8. Get back to work cleaning the floors at Scruffys!
  9. My family owns the place right north of you! You probably have had to deal with my older sibling a time or two before!
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