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  1. FonziDelNegro


  2. FonziDelNegro


    New crop complete here to make friends Dm for samples kiddos and hope to see whoever in No
  3. If You are Handicap accessible or have a large electric wheelchair call the stadium, it takes about 25 mins to get someone on phone but they will walk you thru procedure! I bought mine on the phone for 340$ each but I’m not sure if thats until they run out or what and I’m told it’s mid level seating which requires elevator to the second floor ramp! Regardless I’ll be there to see my horns smack Bama and Saban
  4. And The Paris Hilton Commercials😂
  5. Agreed I’m bored as hell we have no playmakers and it looks like a horrible basketball program as is
  6. Damn I hate Shaka and his luxurious and lovely edge up
  7. FonziDelNegro


    Me and 5 friends that I have out here all built this underground! It was pretty cool! My friend is somewhat of an architectural genius so we rode his coat tail and all have had marginal income from it since April 2019! It also foots all of our personal use but we all mostly do our part, I’m In charge of mostly sales and distro here but I also help trim from time to time! I stop helping at the grow In the middle of covid and focused on boxing and other things but it’s been a great source for repeat customers and loyal patients! 30 Cob Light Setup/ HEDS to help with temp under ground 6 industrial size dehu live soil beds Permanent Trellis Nets live organisms as Pest management and all Organic mix with Bat Guano lol mouthful of shit
  8. FUCK SHAKA @kingkoopa6 eats buttholes
  9. Fuck you your mom your dad your sister your mother(who’s a bama fan by the way) your uncle your aunt your cousins your grandma and your grandpa! There ain’t a man in your family and if there was I’d love to beat your ass in that parking lot in New Orleans just to get my blood going for the game then I’ll reach back to my buddy and grab my blunt back! Get a life you loser and stop being such a Sex Offender stalker creeper it’s 2023 your gonna eventually get caught and they will check your hard drive and find all your child porn you first hand loser
  10. Fuck Shaka and Fuck Marquette…jinx you owe me a coke or some coke
  11. And the funny thing is No one cares about Oregon or the fact that Washington has played no one they’ve both played each other at mediocrity and have no leg to stand on in the CFP! Michael Penis gets sacked 7 times, J Sweat Balls Out, Seniors ball out, 2 Interceptions one a pick 6 this is Literally gonna be Dallas Cowboys Vs Buffalo Bills 52-17 if you remember you remember 😎
  12. Good thing coaching staff don’t touch the field
  13. FonziDelNegro


    This forum is fuckin awesome shout out to any stoners 420 friendly who wanna puff in the parking lot I’m holding special sesh with fam and friends Let’s bring in the Day to the W baby fuck Washington Florida state stop crying like a litte bitch cause you suck Bama Got undercover Booty bandits workin for Saban And it’s Sark for life drops mic Farts while walking away…
  14. I just joined I’ve been a lifelong fan since I was born I was born at St David’s myself and my family and I were raised there so it’s in the dna ask my cousin Kingkoopa6 he brought me on board fresh breathe of relief I’m ready for this game my whole life and the next HOUSTON BOUND BABY
  15. Mines my own Garden I love competition Horns Up Dawg
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