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Hal Finney

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  1. I was told wind and solar were big winners even when disregarding the externalities of the minerals and fossil fuels required to produce them.
  2. The arguments are rarely countered. The same wrong posters call to mods for help.
  3. Stay wrong bro. don’t you have some laughable armchair warlord analysis to work on Here’s where the US gov really is working on pushing people here. Massive government omnibus—-> money to NGOs——> NGOs funnel immigrants here while pocketing money. A massive racket that is a national security risk. Supported by one party.
  4. nice deflection. Still waiting for daddy’s response huh? I know atom is. He likes to step aside when called out. GOP hasnt shoved anything down my throat. I have little faith in Us gov. Always been more focused on Texas/local gov. As is, Texans’ interests are strongly aligned with Gov Abbott’s actions. I’d like to see the polling of how many Texans think Border Patrol should be cutting up razor wire on the border.
  5. Snowflake Atomheartbevo is wrong prolifically. To a prolific extent. the more he acts like an internet expert or the longer his posts, the more wrong he is. do you even Ukraine DT thread Bro? Just helping you out.
  6. This term is thrown out here often but rarely been more appropriate. all because I called out one of the more prolifically wrong posters on this site. but yes, please call daddy for help. Lolol
  7. I clicked all 3 of those links. I didn’t see any mention of Hunter’s dong. There was a censored photo behind MTG of him in one. That’s it. Y’all are obsessed. Relax. yes, the Democrats they have trouble coordinating their message given their lack of control over major media outlets. You’re ridiculous.
  8. So have we seen it with plenty of “Democratic talking points”?
  9. I’ve never seen Hunter’s dong mentioned anywhere outside CR. Nor have I ever seen it at the “top of the headlines”. Maybe in the collective hivemind of CR.
  10. No one cares about Hunter’s dong more than CR’s “former Republicans”. Wasn’t this all prompted by a SCOTUS opinion? How much influence did Greg and Co. have on the timing of that? Have we? What “analytics people”? How do you utilize Google Trends to decipher all this so clearly? You’re a real savant. Oh wait
  11. Which group do you think has a better idea about the longer term demand for LNG globally? The producers in the marketplace allocating large amounts of capital long term, or this Presidential administration and its bureaucrats?
  12. This is a bad idea. Natural gas use is going anywhere for decades. So instead of us participating, and profiting, others will benefit. Russia, Qatar (which houses Hamas leadership). Also if I had to bet, the net environmental benefit will not materialize. If there’s a shortfall in NG globally, then the rest of the world will substitute coal where necessary. Stupid. So, he’s like the Ken Griffey Jr of global leaders
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