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Everything posted by Wiler77

  1. Paramount+ ?! For real? Competing with NCAA tournament and we make this difficult to watch? Great job building interest leading to the World Cup guys.
  2. It's funny reading the comments from people that think a running forearm into the back isn't a foul. That was the easiest call of the day. It reminds me of being a referree in basketball, baseball, and soccer and realizing the parents watching the game don't have the slightest idea what the rules are.
  3. Who is doing the screwing?
  4. Why am I watching this? Just dumb, lazy basketball
  5. Same
  6. Pool report from the front lines... Water temp: 70.6F at 4:30pm Diving board: Bouncy Complaining from anybody: none Shrinkage: Significant. Like a frightened turtle Burgers: Juicy BAC: North of zero Doing it wrong: Negative
  7. I assume he means someone Texas would have no interest in hiring. We'd certainly take a hard look at McCasland. My guess is Billy Clyde.
  8. Have you never been to Barton Springs? Or swam in the Comal? 70 degrees is brisk, but it's definitely swimmable--as in, I'm going to swim, use the diving board, play with the kids, etc. I wouldn't just stand in the water.
  9. The only benefit I can see is my pool may hit 70deg under those conditions on Friday afternoon. I can swim in that when it's 90deg outside
  10. Wiler77

    We got Soul?

    Here's some Soul
  11. Yea, definitely dont want anyone to hit the base model Murano or whatever the fuck it is. There might be enough room for 4 cars to park in each of those spots around him.
  12. Glass houses man. It's like none of you remember the rings Mack had made for winning the fucking Alamo Bowl and "creating momentum for next year". Mack out Aggied Aggy on that one.
  13. I didn't own any shares until today. Decided to by 5k shares. Also bought a bit more RVPH to get my avg down to about $4.
  14. Are you thinking this goes back to pre-2024 levels, or are you just hoping to get back to $10-11 to break even?
  15. About a decade ago a neighbor was suffering from a very rare form of cancer, to the point that experimental treatment was the best path forward. I don't remember if GoFundMe was a thing back then, but there was an effort spearheaded by family friends to cover the expensive treatment that wasn't covered by insurance, travel to/from a different city, hotel costs, etc. I live in a nice neighborhood, but the estimated $100k is a big bogey for most people. I didn't feel bad giving $1k towards the effort. Then 2 weeks later landscape guys show up with about dozen trees and shrubs to improve the landscaping in the front yard, and a new $50k+ SUV appears in the driveway. So, yes, I agree just because a GoFundMe was a started, you have no idea if they actually need it.
  16. 12% look at the Republican candidates and said "yep, that Steve Bannon guy is the one for me". JFC.
  17. Fair enough. It just seems like the original comment implied that he's currently getting a pension so he should be able to afford his healthcare. That isn't the case.
  18. Pension doesn't kick in until age 55, and then it's like $40k per year.
  19. Thanks for the tip. Just paid $21.50. Activation successful.
  20. Aren't MMR vaccines for life? Or are we finding out we may need boosters now that the dumbfucks are making measles relevant again?
  21. My guess is you undersalted the batter by a pint or two.
  22. Let hope that aggressive offer comes after it is back in double digits and not at $4.
  23. I get your premise, and the quality of play in the womens game has improved, but the uphill battle for women's basketball that UFC didnt have to compete with is there is direct competition in the same sport. People who want to watch basketball have mens college and pro to choose from, multiple games every day, and the quality of play is superior to the women's version. You could argue UFC had completion from boxing, but 1) those are different sports, and 2) boxing is not ubitiquous like basketball. The casual fan would watch 3 nights of fights per year, at most.
  24. i bought another 2k shares earlier today to get my avg down under $11. Up to 8k shares now.
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