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Everything posted by Wiler77

  1. Fuck. Had no idea he was sick. Don't see any reports of what type of cancer. 9 years he batted it privately. Fuck, that's a gut punch.
  2. I love Rome. I'm mesmerized by the history of it. I get that it's a big city and maybe the food isn't as good as Tuscany or the coastal areas, but it's fun to walk around and get lost in the history for 3-4 days.
  3. Also, I just found a fairly close-up picture of her online, and her eyes are brown. False alarm. But rotating hot pussy for Stockton confirmed.
  4. Well for starters I didn't say "buddy". I haven't seen him in a numbers of years but would still consider him a friend. And second...no. This world is way too small and this website is way too connected, and I don't need a call asking why I plastered someone face on the internet.
  5. It really is. I've recommended to to a ton of people.
  6. Not sure which year you're referring to, but it had to be 1999 when a friend of mine started dating an insanely hot blonde chick who had just broken up with Stockton. No idea if it's the same girl, or possibly the one before or after the one you're referring to. He could have had a revolving door of hot blonde chicks. Strangely enough, that friend of mine is a doctor as well, and they are married.
  7. The only thing that bothered me is the notion that somehow other fans "care" more. He made the statement that Texas fans show up as long as we're winning. The schools he lists like Ohio State, Aggy, Bama, etc as having rabid fan bases are all winning right now. It's not a coincidence they are selling out every game. How was that A&M attendance when they were getting beat 77-0 and losing to Tech every year. Not so stellar. Oh, but they all chant and kiss their ugly women when they score--they must really care about their team. But he's right, Horn fans have lives outside of football, and we live in cities where there are things to do so football doesn't occupy our thoughts 24/7. But we also support our team the same as anyone else.
  8. I clicked on this thread bump expecting to read she cut someone's penis off.
  9. I was happy with my 15k shares until I read this. Just kidding, still happy. What's a realistic upside on this thing? Market Cap is about $250M in USD.
  10. My statement was a bit hyperbole, but child obesity isn't the kid's fault.
  11. I've had 3 of them actually. We dictate what's for dinner, not the other way around. I guess I find it funny that you're complaining about potentially having to call an audible and switch from Lazy Option 1 to Lazy Option 2, when you hadn't even started either.
  12. What am I missing here? Chicken nugget prep involves putting presumably frozen nuggets on a baking sheet and turning the oven on. Beanie Weenies involves opening a can and pouring said contents of the can into a pot and turning the stove on. Or maybe you make Beanie Weenies from scratch and cut up hotdogs into a can of beans? That's a real Herculean effort. They both border on child abuse if you're feeding that to your 2 year old.
  13. It was good enough for the 3 Amigos to defeat El Guapo. Should be good enough for us to win 10 games.
  14. RIP Don Everly. I grew up with lots of Everly Brothers being played in the house. Damn those boys could sing. I used to get made fun of in high school (in the 90's) because I loved listening to them in the car. Always loved this one.
  15. This one has become a bit more emotional to me over the years. I have distinct memories of being told my grandfather died when I was 12. He was battling cancer. I worshiped the man. Lord I cried the day he died. Since I have 3 boys, I can't help but think of the day my own father will pass, and how devastating that will be not just to me, but especially my sons. He truly walks on water in their eyes. Best granddad anyone could ask for. He's 75 years, and although he takes care of himself, he's at the age where anything can happen on any day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCVw8Qjeg84 Shit, looks like it won't embed automatically. But it's "He Walked on Water" by Randy Travis.
  16. Shit, go to Crested Butte. Every business in town has job openings. You may have to camp in order to afford lodging, but you'll be employed.
  17. This one has always done it to me. No particular reason other than I love my wife and kids so fucking much and the thought of leaving them alone just kills me. This one never really stirred much emotion (other than thinking it's a beautiful sing), until I attended a funeral of one of my wife's friends. Actually, the father of one of her friends who was killed in a car accident years earlier, and she became really good friends with the father after that. I had met him a few times, but I had no reason to really get emotional at the funeral. He had lymphoma and held on for 5 years, which means he had plenty of time to think about his own mortality--and to plan his funeral to a T. No one knew what the plan was except the people involved (his wife had no idea what was planned), and for part of it he had prepared a slide show of his favorite moments in life with "In My Life" as the backing music. Holy shit--not a dry eye in the house, and 15 years later whenever I hear this song, it sends me back to that day. I hug my wife extra hard whenever I hear it. Last one for me is this one. I can't imagine leaving my family, and it makes me hurt to think about a dad having this conversation with his son.
  18. On paper, we really should have a pretty good defense. There's some talent in that 2nd group. I assume Sark will eventually figure out how to fit the square peg through the round hole when it comes to running his offense (albeit I hope the season isn't lost when he does figure it out), but I'm cautiously optimistic about our defense.
  19. Exactly. Killing the pace of play because of stupid penalties makes the game difficult to watch.
  20. "And neither do the 3 after our wedding"
  21. My wife is a Derm PA, which means she knows enough to be dangerous in other specialties that she learned stuff in school, and she spent a couple of years in Family Practice. She starts pulling out all sorts of crazy rare diseases and cancers when the kids act even the slightest bit off.
  22. Similar. My wife congratulates herself for driving 5 miles out of the way to save 3 cents per gallon on gas, but has no problem spending $400 every month from fucking Athleta. Or going to Crate and Barrel, which is about a 30-40 minute drive from our house, and buying shit we don't need, with the intention of taking 3/4 of it back after getting my opinion, and then complaining that she has no time to do anything?
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