This one has always done it to me. No particular reason other than I love my wife and kids so fucking much and the thought of leaving them alone just kills me.
This one never really stirred much emotion (other than thinking it's a beautiful sing), until I attended a funeral of one of my wife's friends. Actually, the father of one of her friends who was killed in a car accident years earlier, and she became really good friends with the father after that. I had met him a few times, but I had no reason to really get emotional at the funeral. He had lymphoma and held on for 5 years, which means he had plenty of time to think about his own mortality--and to plan his funeral to a T. No one knew what the plan was except the people involved (his wife had no idea what was planned), and for part of it he had prepared a slide show of his favorite moments in life with "In My Life" as the backing music. Holy shit--not a dry eye in the house, and 15 years later whenever I hear this song, it sends me back to that day. I hug my wife extra hard whenever I hear it.
Last one for me is this one. I can't imagine leaving my family, and it makes me hurt to think about a dad having this conversation with his son.