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Everything posted by Wiler77

  1. My parents used to put that on my ice cream starting at about age 3-4 years old when we lived in South Carolina. I haven't tried it in a while, but I have fond memories of destroying some creme de menthe mixed with vanilla ice cream up until about age 9-10, when I made the switch over to Blue Bell Cookies N Cream. My parents tell a story about one night our babysitter thought she was going to get fired or worse when she gave my older sister and I ice cream, and we proceeded to hep ourselves in the bar and load it up with CdM (me) and Kahlua (her) without the babysitter knowing.
  2. LOL. I had to look up if he was still alive. He is, and turns 81 next month.
  3. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around this graphic. NFL players taking a knee during the anthem as a peaceful protest was equated to treason, yet a coup attempt while Congress is in session, including removal of American flags and replacing with Trump flags, is supported by 45% of Republicans? I really hope this is just skewed results based on sample size or demographic. Can we see if Australia has any room for these people? It worked for England.
  4. My wife quotes this every year on the way to Colorado. We get on the road by 430am, and she wakes up around 730-8. Yawns, stretches, and says this line. Makes me laugh every time.
  5. This breaks my heart. My sincerest condolences. If you need anything, ask for it. There are some astonishing backgrounds and experiences available to use and learn from on this site.
  6. Every. Fucking. Time. When it was on the other day, I didn't discover it until about 3 minutes before this line. Didn't matter, tears came. My 9 year old boy asked me what's wrong, and I just said "nothing, wanna go do something outside together." Then he told me to fuck off.
  7. Wiler77

    Christmas loot

    For the first time ever, my wife actually followed through on not buying me anything when I told her "seriously, I don't want anything". So, yea, no shit to clutter the house/garage/attic for me. Felt really good.
  8. Is the price <$1000? If so, then it probably doesn't work. I assume that would be the established price point for a magic bullet to combat cedar fever in Austin.
  9. Told myself I wasn't going to read this thread today. How in the hell am I still holding this? Mother fuck.
  10. I felt embarrassed to mention one of the Stonks I put money in, but since it's doubled, I'll fess up. GMER. I've done no DD, and wouldn't know what to look for if I did, but I aw the name while googling ALPP (or was it TSNP) and it came up on Stocktwits. That led me to an investor hub board, and after reading that for a bit, it sounded pretty interesting. Involved in ESports and Minecraft. CEO recently put out a statement around vision and the investors they are looking for. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/good-gaming-ceo-david-b-dorwart-issues-2020-corporate-update-to-shareholders-301109125.html I bought 100k shares @ 0.04, and it has since closed @ 0.08. I offer NO advice, but I do offer dreams of $1. You fuckers are going to be the end of me. I never traded penny stocks until reading this board a few months ago.
  11. Also, this stock if affecting my daily life. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm sure I have fewer shares than our fearless leader, but I'm at the point where I'm calculating how many years this shaves off my retirement age. I'm 43. We're also at the point where I need to ask RCRanger03 what his craziest fetish is, and I'll pay for it. We're way past bottles of liquor. Of course, this all depends on when I sell, and given today's news, it may not be for a while.
  12. I couldn't find the gif of Kramer pretending to ride the horse as he's listening to the play by play of the horse race he's gambled on, so this will have to do
  13. I'm not a cop, and I'm not a lawyer, so this question may be completely ignorant. Aside from the completely bullshit reasons for putting both guys in handcuffs, are they not required to tell someone why they are being arrested, and then read Miranda rights? Is that just something I expect because I watch crime dramas?
  14. I don't have anything remotely close to offset the gains I have on ALPP, thank God. Well, the gains I would have if I sold.
  15. I'm still in short-term gains territory for ALPP, so I've decided to hold. If I sell now, I'll be paying taxes out my ass. Anything >$2 once it hits long-term status (which is ~9 months from now), and I'm better off than I would be if I sold now. If it hits $3, it's going to be damn tempting, though.
  16. Unapologetic fan here. Grew up listening to my dad playing Seger records. Roll Me Away probably my favorite, but I love this one. Also Katmandu.
  17. It's rolling, baby, it's rolling!
  18. You should should change the thread title, because a meal includes the food, location, company, situation, etc. But for strictly memorable food, I'd have to go with: 1. First time I had green curry chicken. My parents lived in Singapore while I was in college, and my first trip to visit we had dinner at a neighbor's house on like night 2. The neighbor's live-in housekeeper was Thai. And a fantastic cook. 2. Speaking of Singapore, the Murtabak from Zam Zam. Actually Singapore has a few that belong on this list--Fish head curry, pepper crab 3. First Peking Duck experience. In Beijing, at a place known for Peking Duck and heavily frequented by locals. Jesus that was good. 4. There used to be a place in downtown Munich in the most touristy part of town--I think it was called Valentin's or something like that. Anyway, it was never crowded and whenever I went there were usually only a couple of tables were occupied. The schnitzel they served had a layer of mustard between the meat and the breading. I have no idea how they did it, but it took the schnitzel to 11. Never understood why it wasn't more crowded. 5. Beef fajitas at Amalia's on Hwy 6 in NW Houston. It's closed now, but we ate there about 2-3 Fridays per month when i was growing up. I've never had better fajitas.
  19. That was my first thought. Then my 2nd thought is I'm totally stealing it when I don't want to chat with people on the lift.
  20. SWRM. What the hell? Up over 500% today. I don't see any news. I don't have any, but I saw it mentioned on a stocktwits thread.
  21. How's that HC experience working out for Mensa or Charlie? Meanwhile OU's last 2 hires were coaches with no HC experience, and that worked out pretty well. Ohio State. Clemson. HC experience is overrated, IMO. You have to be a good fit for the job.
  22. Actually she does bear a resemblance to Mack with a wig
  23. It's the one that keeps going up.
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