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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by talley49

  1. Voted New Braunfels took 1 hour 30 mins account wife forgot her license. Profiling it sure looked like a bunch of fucking trumpers in line.
  2. Saw this picture on one of my Facebook groups, they said this was at Lupe’s restaurant in New Braunfels which would fit in with the rest of maga shitheads living there
  3. talley49

    Getting old sucks

    both knees replaced, cancer still kicking.
  4. The Sury pimp tee shirt
  5. Done started the Miller lites, go cowboys fuck Jerry
  6. Maher said fuck you
  7. talley49

    F cancer.

    cancer sucks, sorry to hear been fighting it for 5 years
  8. Fuck both
  9. already had tickets and house rented for jazzfest, fuck fuck
  10. had 8 9 14 15 tri box no 7, i has sad
  11. Got second pfizer shot yesterday sore arm and feel like i'm hungover, but i did drink a few yesterday.
  12. sorry for your loss, just no words
  13. my brother runs the riv campground and the exotic ranch that joins the campground. a great swimming hole
  14. found out my grandson tested positive today, if you can still vote for that orange piece of shit and his enablers fuck you.
  15. csb coming, my father leased this ranch twice once in the 50's and again in the 70's hunting and grazing rights. we did not have any fancy lodging or tanks.
  16. talley49

    Goat vs Squirrel

    So Beasley not good enough for cowboys
  17. Guess he played for LSU
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