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Everything posted by SeattleHorn

  1. What are the odds that after Texas puts up a good record in 2024 we start hearing the phrase "Old SEC" to refer to that mythically glorious period between 2012 and 2023?
  2. Just tell your GI doc they don't know what they're talking about if they tell you not to eat anything the day before: https://www.statnews.com/2024/03/19/colonoscopy-preparation-liquid-only-diet-data-gastroenterologists/
  3. I think there is a chance she takes the role of AA in a later season, but maybe the showrunners will read the room and bring in somebody new.
  4. At long last, a thread I can contribute to instead of just lurking. I loved all 3 books, but book 3 has a lot of scenes that are going to be amazing if they adapt them well. So, it sort like Netflix rushed through book 1 to get to the good stuff. Ye Wenjie's story in the books is a bit more fleshed out and her decisions make more sense, but I don't think they had enough episodes to really dig into it here. I'm optimistic so far. Hopefully Benioff and Weiss can do this one without fucking it up since all the books are written.
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