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Everything posted by Poester

  1. Everyone does. I choose my family over you. Choosing teams starts at birth.
  2. Oh cool. I like him.
  3. They’re narcissists.
  4. No, he’s my enemy as well. I just have a lot of them. Never heard of him. Don’t know them.
  5. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I despise protestors.
  6. This thread is great. I have no idea why the hall monitors are so addicted to it, but to each their own.
  7. This time of year sucks, this thread is dead.
  8. Don’t listen to the pussies, keep posting.
  9. Aggie in his feelings tonight.
  10. What am I supposed to do? Work? Pfft.
  11. I’m pretty sure I answered that question in my post you quoted.
  12. This has been in the works for a couple of weeks and has way more to do with the invasion of Rafah than college protests. They’re just hoping these college kids see the headline and then go back to scrolling tiktok. It’ll probably work.
  13. My friend got the OG Covid and his taste/smell have never fully recovered. He says that coffee tastes like gasoline and marinara makes him sick to his stomach. I’d rather have the vaccine side effects I think. I don’t regret getting the vaccine, but it was unnecessary based on my age and risk factors. It’s easy to look back now and be more objective. At the time I definitely got swept up in the panic… Meh, live and learn I guess.
  14. I was referring to the Ute’s large Mormon student body, but honestly I really sidetracked this thread. Day drinking wins again.
  15. You’re never been to Utah and it shows.
  16. My buddies and I used to take road trips to visit our mutual friend at Auburn and it was a total smoke show everywhere. Their accents alone almost made me transfer there.
  17. What fucking assholes.
  18. I’ve never heard them speak in terms of not being in contention, that seems to be a given with this roster. What I do remember is the idea that a dominant over the ball defender could be the difference between 1-2 losses or 3-4.
  19. He would absolutely start over Broughton.
  20. Before all the people saying they want to kill Jews? I know racism is bad, but man our priorities are fucked.
  21. So, are we searching the bargain bin for DT’s at this point?
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