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Ghost of TripsRight

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Everything posted by Ghost of TripsRight

  1. Troy’s hat makes agroid’s look like a strawman’s hat
  2. He could transfer again, of course, but what makes you think he’d be immediately eligible (to play this fall)? The injunction requires that Sanders enroll at UCLA during the 2023-24 academic year to be eligible this fall… which would be impossible unless UCLA has 8-week semesters. Again, all that out the window if he has his degree (or he wants to roll the dice that the NCAA caves by May and eliminates the multiple-transfer restriction).
  3. Don’t think he could transfer again, unless the same young man who hasn’t attended a class at CU somehow already has his undergrad degree.
  4. Why did Craig kill those poor hookers?
  5. There a story I missed?
  6. That photoshop or for real?
  7. You left out the “choking her to get her to comply” part. Allegedly. But yeah. I never tried to equate the two. The arrests simply point to questionable judgment, in both cases. On the topic of judgment, in 2022 TJ pulled an “MJ Morris” (the NCSt QB who refused to play this past fall after he had participated in 4 games, to preserve a redshirt), even though Robby Ashford was having to play injured. Finley already had an extra COVID year when the NCAA took from HS players, but that wasn’t enough for TJ, I reckon’. Oddly enough, he faked a hip injury towards the end of TXST’s game at Coastal, in the cold rain, which does not got his game, to avoid more bad stats and the “L”. (Dude was practicing the next day.)
  8. Let he among us who hath not sinned… Got that cleared up.
  9. I mean, what’s a coach supposed to do when they all have rap sheets amirite Finley was arrested at Auburn less than a year before Kinne offered him. Coaches have no options these days. Gun to their heads to perform.
  10. Warpath, or inside baseball? You’re welcome.
  11. You do understand incoming coaches want to play “their guys” (ie, ones they recruit, not ones they inherit), broadly, for multiple reasons? Bama players and commits heading elsewhere is 100% rationale, not an indictment of DeBoer per se.
  12. Only because Kinne screwed up the QB room to begin with. Perverse incentives to play only “their guys”, at least two who are busts. Malik was a horrible decision, and wasted a roster spot. TJ had four games with a QBR in the 20s this fall, single handedly lost the UTSA game and arguably the Troy game. Quit on his team at Coastal. Almost cost the home game vs ULM. Led the country in pick 6s, fumble 6s.
  13. Fake news. Kinne and his toadie OC have been Following and recruiting high level portal QBs for nearly two months. They planned to upgrade over their Pick6 Statue, even if he had stayed. Moreover, Kinne knew in Nov. TJ planned to leave for NIL.
  14. “The Pete Carroll way” Wayne Gretzky, by Michael Scott
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