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kevwun last won the day on May 10 2018

kevwun had the most liked content!


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  1. Wow on Golden. Didn’t think he was that fast. That should put him in front of Egbuka.
  2. Side effects include homicidal rage, rectal bleeding and uncontrollable flatulence.
  3. Some of our best friends are a lesbian couple with a 1 year old baby and I worry a lot about them. No one is going to stop these fucking ghouls.
  4. and then he and LMJ have a wreck in the parking lot and are both out for the season.
  5. There's nothing to not like about him. He does everything well and he's got the measurables.
  6. I heard Leidenheimer's had to open up a 2nd baking facility to meet the increased demand.
  7. Yeah it may let them play him more if they can move him to lb on some of the non-obvious passing downs.
  8. Or got slimed on Nickelodeon.
  9. Yeah, pretty much no one can afford Cobra. It's useless.
  10. He died in June of 2016, so he probably didn't have a chance to embarrass himself.
  11. He's about to lose his career goal record at least thought it will be to a Russian.
  12. Yeah, I don't think that rule will hold up.
  13. And no limit on car parts is ever going to offset all of the cargo and private jets flying around the globe for the races.
  14. Would this hire have saved Charlie Strong's job? There's your answer for Oklahoma.
  15. Break everything you idiots. You deserve it.
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