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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Basketball recruiting rankings are almost completely worthless now.
  2. I want it both ways. I cringe when they take a 3-0 meatball right down the middle. Then I cuss when they pop the same ball up or ground out.
  3. Football is already in the SEC for most purposes.
  4. Shedrick looked pretty good by the end of the year. He will be solid next season.
  5. Yeah Mitchell would be useful if they aren't guaranteeing him minutes because of his defense and rebounding. I am done with Hunter also.
  6. We all know the fish died.
  7. Well Hunter usually passes it to the other team so it's basically the same thing.
  8. Finding a qb won't be an issue as long as Sark's offense is humming along. The odd year when we don't have a good starter on campus, one can be found in the portal. It's obviously better to have them on campus for a few years beforehand though.
  9. The little guys have to have elite quickness. DJ had that, but Abmas doesn't. DJ was also a real point guard, which Max also isn't.
  10. It depends if they know where they are going. For the players shopping for a new team, it makes sense to announce publicly on social media to drum up interest. It can also help start a bidding war. If they are getting recruited in to the portal by a school, the paperwork getting filed is the only thing that matters because they already know where they are going.
  11. He already looked like a grown ass man when they drafted him.
  12. There's never been much linking Texas and Avila. We don't have a good handle on how Terry is actually looking at though. Mark came out of nowhere.
  13. Abmas was a nice player, but his size was an issue when we ran in to teams with big athletic guards. Weaver was a great addition though. I think Terry is done with undersized guards.
  14. I may have bought 4 tickets to a Wednesday night game last night at an auction so that's nice. At least it comes with a hotel.
  15. If we were at an all you can eat challenge at Golden Corral, he would be my choice.
  16. Bielak is gonna hit 100 innings before the asb.
  17. Oh boy Kuhnel. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
  18. You should probably change user accounts again comrade.
  19. Red Bull must officially be a big happy family again. Fernando and Sainz announcing new deals on back to back days is about as solid proof you can get short of a Max press conference.
  20. Republicans would rather do Putin's bidding then side with Democrats on anything. That's where we are in 2024.
  21. I refuse to watch it on general principal. If it's part of the show, fucking air it during the episode.
  22. Putin owns a few key US politicians who are doing his bidding and fucking this up for Ukraine. You can make excuses for that if you want, but it's the real cause of the holdup.
  23. I've never played any of the games, but I really liked the first 2 episodes.
  24. Yeah and there would be more crashes from tire problems.
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