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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Teddy Roosevelt's first wife and his mom died on the same night of separate illnesses.
  2. They are a prototypical Barnes team. Big, athletic, good defense and not so great at shooting.
  3. He's also undersized and not very quick. He's overmatched against big and athletic guards like the Vols have.
  4. Jake might get Wally Pipp'ed.
  5. His last lap would have made Q2, but it got deleted.
  6. The downside of announcing you are leaving before the season starts. Mercedes has shifted the team's focus to Russell.
  7. This time would get real interesting with the Republicans who have announced their retirement because of the clownshow.
  8. Point shaving is a federal crime though for basketball. If he was betting on his own games, the FBI would be able to investigate I think.
  9. The announcers were speculating in FP2 that they wouldn't do that but nope, they were wrong.
  10. So Albon wrecked in FP1 and damaged all 4 corners of the car. Williams doesn't have a spare chassis in Melbourne. The car was not ready for FP2. They are apparently trying to fix the damage, if they can't, it's gonna be interesting.
  11. $95,000, congrats on being on a practice squad for 2 years.
  12. The good news is that he and Gerry were doing the same thing last year and it ended up being true.
  13. It's weird how Bobby Burton, who I understand has no contacts within the UT Football program and is never in Austin, managed to be at the UT Pro Day yesterday.
  14. The really nice thing about the internet streaming packages is they are month to month so it's easy to switch to another as things change and you don't have to swap out equipment.
  15. The bookie would have never let the debt get that big without knowing that it was Shohei and not the interpreter.
  16. They have never been able to count on his vote on close things, so it's not really a change.
  17. I used to have that problem with Dish when the races aired late on Saturday on ESPN and then re-aired on ABC on Sunday. It would also miss practices and qualifying all the time. Since I switched to DirecTV streaming, it has recorded every session without issue.
  18. I am shocked that he's not pretending to be a Democrat anymore.
  19. Headed to Nola in April. The lineup is GW Fins, Saffron and Herbsaint. Tried to get brunch at Brennan's, but they are booked up like normal.
  20. This will get even more interesting if we learn that he was betting on MLB games.
  21. Korey Lee can't beat out Maldonado in Chicago either. He should probably start thinking about life after baseball.
  22. The problem is other players hate him. He's gonna cause trouble wherever he signs like he has at every other stop in his career.
  23. What does he actually own outright though? Seems like his property empire is a lot like when someone keeps taking out new credit cards to make payments on maxed out ones.
  24. They have good source material and are following it pretty closely. Amazing how that leads to good tv.
  25. kevwun

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    If I was a really good player who came from money, I would be tempted to not workout in the hopes of dropping to the bottom of the first round and ending up on a good team instead of wasting the first several years of my career playing for a shitty franchise.
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