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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. Something to consider about whole home units is that for extended outages like this one, a generator will be due for an oil change after about a week or continuous running. It's not a bad idea to have a filter and oil on hand because good luck getting one serviced at a time like this.
  2. Generators are real neat until they break and then it's a fucking nightmare getting them fixed if it's not something simple. I have been trying to get one at work fixed for a few months. It's an intermittent problem where it starts and then shuts itself off because it isn't generating electricity. Have had 2 different companies look at it, the last of which charged us $2,400 for a 3 or 4 hour visit. They upgraded firmware on one of the boards and it worked for 2 weeks only to start having the same issue again last week. Most companies I talk to only want to do maintenance work it seems like. The worst part is that it wasn't even a year old when the issue started.
  3. My parents just both had it and it was pretty rough at first, but they both got plaxovid prescriptions and felt much better within a day.
  4. Don't forget that Centerpoint will make a nice donation to PACs of Abbott and Patrick's choosing.
  5. I have a friend who used to own a cleaning company that took care of airbnbs. I will not be renting my house out anytime soon after hearing stories of what they had to deal with.
  6. Or those bullet proof glass screens they set up for things like inaugurations that are in wide open areas.
  7. It goes beyond that, there should have been agents on that building because of it's location.
  8. I believe the SS snipers were on those buildings. Like they should have been on the one the shooter was on.
  9. If the SS were protecting a herd of deer under a feeder, they would completely ignore the deer stand.
  10. They didn't cover the most likely location for a shooter. There's no way to explain that fact away.
  11. It was a monumental fuckup. I wonder if at least some of the cops thought he was a SS sniper. How there were no agents posted on top of that building is going to get several people "re-assigned" to chasing down counterfeiters in the middle of nowhere.
  12. I had no idea that the filming of The Shining is what broke her. They shot over 100 takes for multiple scenes and it took over a year. Working yourself up for those scenes over and over again must have been brutal.
  13. Maybe they're planning on trading him and would rather he keep blowing dudes away in AAA to give other teams false hope.
  14. It takes a good chunk of the 1st season before you begin to understand wtf they are saying. Still worth it though.
  15. He's gonna be broke 1 month after he retires.
  16. Why would you not want to watch the original show that spawned Shoresy if you like Shoresy a lot?
  17. It has to be a temp move since he would be unavailable today.
  18. Correa doing that drove me nuts. Why give them an automatic strike on you?
  19. And nobody will care about that one after 2 weeks. The power grid in this state ain't getting fixed.
  20. He's really good defensively and has more power. He might K his way out of the league though. I don't think I'd want to give up on him quite so soon though. The only thing that gives me hope on his strikeouts are that he takes so many strikes that he shouldn't. If they can find a way to fix that, it would help a lot.
  21. Nobody will give a shit about this in 2 weeks.
  22. If they end up with him because they can't trade for anyone better, that's fine. But they should look for someone better first and not be targeting him from the start. The last guy Bagwell thought should play first base didn't work out so well.
  23. He's 30. His arm is in better shape than the usual rookie pitcher.
  24. That's 22% better than a guy who shouldn't be a major league first basemen. The bar has been set real low.
  25. Career sure, but this year it's not a huge amount. Pete's not having a very good year. He hits home runs and not much else. He's better than what the Astros have run out at 1st base this year, but they also might be able to do better.
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