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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by kevwun

  1. When your main goal is too avoid interaction with the outside world, you end up in some really bad company supporting really terrible ideas.  As longhornmatt mentioned the other day, the crazy was always there.  We just ignored it.

  2. On 7/18/2018 at 4:34 PM, Brisketexan said:

    You damned well know that for a 25% cut of the take, the current admin would happily issue broad letters of marque and reprisal.  We could then slap some guns on that bad boy and do some REAL piracy, under full protection and authority of the United States.

    I'm in.

    I think I finally found the business idea that's going to make me rich.  Privateering here I come.

  3. If you inherit a pile of shit and then also shit on the pile in creative new ways, you didn't clean up the mess.  The defense was getting worse under Charlie.  If he couldn't even fix that side of the ball, it was never going to work out.  It took Orlando an entire off season and a third of the next season's games to get the defense straightened out.

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  4. Almost done with Marcus Agrippa by Lindsay Powell.  I've enjoyed it quite a bit.  For someone who was so important during the rise of the Roman Empire, there's almost no books about him.  Relatively quick and enjoyable read if you like Roman history.

  5. The one and only pair of Under Armour shoes I bought where the worst shoes I've ever owned.  The material on the back of the heel was a tight fitting piece of rubber.  It went up the back of my heel too high and came to almost a point.  It was angled in towards my heel on top of it.  It's like someone designed it to give you blisters.  I've never seen anything like that in a running shoe.


    25 minutes ago, zork said:

    So Rand is Neville to Trump as Hitler?  Or Rand is defending Trump as Neville to Putin as Hitler? (or both) Or what are you saying? 

    What is the military objective for your chosen depiction of the new Hitler?  Putin taking over Estonia, Lithuania, etc?  Trump conquering Canada or Mexico, or elsewhere?  

    Putin is Hitler in my comparison.  Putin already invaded the Ukraine and he's actively fucking with the political processes of several Western democracies.  Letting him do whatever he wants is not working, just like it didn't work with Hitler.  He's not going to stop out of the kindness of his heart.  He's going to have to face real consequences before he'll back off.

  7. 10 minutes ago, mbtex said:

    Any place good between San Antonio and Concan

    One of my good friends raves about 2M all the time.  I haven't been yet, but I'm sure it's excellent.

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