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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by kevwun

  1. I don't think he's capable of not being an asshole.
  2. We'll end up with Speaker Jeffries if he sticks to that. Jordan and the Magats refusing to support another Republican candidate is probably the only way it will happen.
  3. I haven't had enough of him being humiliated yet, so I hope he goes for it again.
  4. And also walk 2 or 3 guys before him
  5. I am a big fan of Bardot Brasserie and it's in the same casino if you had other plans nearby. Dim Tai Fung is also really good.
  6. One of those we lost for sure because it was the World Series against the Nationals.
  7. They are not anti-aggie. Reggie McNeal was stealing shit while in school and never got arrested.
  8. Yep, it's definitely their fault for me agreeing to stupid rules that magats exploited.
  9. Those are both air to air missiles. That's a hello to Iran.
  10. I am sure there are quite a few yes votes who only voted that way because they knew Jordan wasn't going to win. That would be something jackasses like McCaul would do for certain.
  11. It's not like counting votes is an important skill for Speakers.
  12. There are few assholes in Congress who deserve being publicly humiliated more than Jordan does.
  13. People almost got in to fights when McCarthy won, so it's probably worth it just for that.
  14. The pyramids are amazing. The dog, camel and probably human shit all around them not so much.
  15. As long as it's open and functioning relatively smoothly by the beginning of December. I think we're gonna go.
  16. Egypt can't take care of their own people and their infrastructure is shit. They can't deal with a million refugees.
  17. A honeypot or some other scandal is the only way they are getting out of that contract.
  18. Not that odd when your kid went there and you are friendly with the coaching staff.
  19. Jimbo is going to have random hot chicks throwing themselves at him over the next year who have very odd and kinky sex requests.
  20. Power plants also can't move, which greatly increases the odds that the Russians will manage to hit them.
  21. Overshown did look pretty good before he tore his acl, but that's one player.
  22. Speaking of him, it's a shame his career has been pretty much wasted on shitty teams.
  23. The Chargers should have won that game but they didn't because Herbert airmails throws all the time.
  24. Too bad the refs can't also throw it for Herbert.
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